Column: ‘Staying Connected:’ Opportunities for Seniors

Column: ‘Staying Connected:’ Opportunities for Seniors

Program set for Feb. 14 at Old Presbyterian Meeting House.

A program on employment and volunteer opportunities for seniors is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 14 at Old Presbyterian Meeting House, located at 323 South Fairfax St. at 10 a.m.

Alexandria's growing senior "boomer" population is changing the way we view retirement. Instead of moving away to communities further south, many want to stay in our city to take advantage of the terrific support system the region has to offer. After a lifetime of active engagement through their careers, most don't want to disengage from a meaningful lifestyle and are seeking new ways to share their experience, wisdom and talents.


Mary Lee Anderson

Older retirees may find themselves less financially secure due to the impact of the recession or feeling more isolated as friends and family become less available. It can be a real challenge for anyone to find ways to connect to the right job or volunteer organization, especially in this highly competitive environment.

The good news is that Alexandria has organizations ready to help seniors plug into new careers and find exciting volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in getting advice and making connections that will help you find a way to become more engaged, plan to attend the next event in the Senior Speaker Series: "Staying Connected: Employment and Volunteer Opportunities for Seniors in Alexandria."

Speakers will include representatives from AARP, Senior Employment Resources, Volunteer Alexandria, Alexandria's Mentoring Partnership, Alexandria Electoral Board, Alexandria Tutoring Consortium and At Home Alexandria! The event is sponsored by Senior Services of Alexandria.

Space is limited so register at 703 836 4414, ext 10 or at

By Mary Lee Anderson

SSA Resource Center Director