Alexandria — Rebuilding Together Alexandria, a volunteer-based, non-profit organization that preserves affordable housing and revitalizes communities, received a $15,000 grant from the Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation this month. The grant will be used to make home repairs to low-income residents in Alexandria, at no cost to those that are served.
This grant will support the Critical Need Fund to address emergency home repairs and safety-related modifications. Emergency repairs mostly consist of repairing/replacing heating units when clients’ furnaces break and fixing leaking roofs or plumbing. Safety modifications include the installation of smoke/carbon monoxide detectors; grab bars, handrails, wheelchair lifts, etc. The result of these efforts is to ensure that low-income homeowners are able to remain in their own homes safely, independently and comfortably.
Rebuilding Together Alexandria is one of 200 Rebuilding Together affiliates nationwide. With the help of funders and dedicated volunteers, RTA provides free home repairs and modifications to ensure that low-income Alexandria homeowners can continue to live in warm, safe, and dry homes.
The Morris & Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation is the largest private, independent, local Foundation focused exclusively on the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. The foundation is committed to improving the quality of life for residents of the Washington, D.C. area. Since 1970, awards totaling more than $379 million have been granted to organizations in the areas of Community Services, Arts and Humanities, Education, Health and the Environment.
Rebuilding Together Alexandria is dedicated to repairing and revitalizing homes at no charge for homeowners in need, including elderly, disabled, military veterans and families. To date, in-kind donations of labor and materials have resulted in $6 million worth of value on more than 1,547 properties. To apply, volunteer or donate, visit or call 703-836-1021.