Potomac — On Saturday evening, Sept. 8, guests will have the opportunity to change a child’s life by attending the “Taste of Potomac” to support the organization, Adoptions Together. This event offers a one-of-a-kind chance to taste delectable dishes from every restaurant in Potomac and bid on items in both the silent auction and the live auction — all to help children find “forever families.”
The event will honor the achievements of NBC4 Washington anchor Barbara Harrison and Renette Oklewicz, director of the Freddie Mac Foundation. Both are champions of “Wednesday’s Child,” the TV program which informs viewers of children who are in foster care and who need permanent, loving adoptive families. The Wizard’s play-by-play announcer Steve Buckhantz will emcee the event.
Twenty-two years ago, Adoptions Together was just a vision to Janice Goldwater. As a social worker in Montgomery County, she saw the need for an organization to find adoptive families for hard-to-place children. She founded the non-profit adoption agency to conquer the challenge of finding permanent homes for children regardless of their age, race or health issues. Since 1990, the organization has found “forever families” for more than 3,000 children.
“Today, there are 5,000 children in the D.C. metropolitan area who are living in temporary care, waiting to be adopted. We need to make their dreams come true,” Goldwater said.
In addition to providing quality child placement services, the organization also offers life-time counseling for families, adopted children, birth parents and foster families.
Debbie Schick has served on the board of directors for many years. She applauds the commitment of Adoptions Together: “Janice does not turn any child away, whether they are medically or physically challenged or have been in the foster care system for years. The funds raised at this event go directly to help families adopt children.”
The Adoptions Together Agency offers a full spectrum of family support services. Their guiding principle is “no child in need of a family will be turned away and families will have the support and guidance they need to thrive.” They facilitate both national and international adoptions including children from Russian and China. The organization is also involved in training area professionals including school counselors and therapists. Additionally, they focus on pre-adoptive counseling to help both the child and the families to prepare for their new relationship as a permanent family.
Taste of Potomac will take place at the Potomac Falls home of Judy and Stuart Sebring from 7:30 p.m. to midnight. The outdoor event will feature fare from more than 25 local restaurants including Hunter’s Inn, River Falls Tavern, Founding Farmers, Potomac Pizza, The Irish Inn, Seasons 52, Tally Ho, Cava Mezza, and more. Music will be provided by DJ Extreme — and there will be room for dancing. Skinny Girl cocktails, frozen mango margaritas and wine donated by Total Wine will round out the selection of beverages. Committee member Randi Schweitzer of Potomac said, “I am excited to be a part of such a wonderful, meaningful event. I’m glad to be able to support Adoptions Together. This organization truly makes a difference by placing so many children with loving families.”
One of the highlights of the evening will be the live and silent auction items. According to Schick, “This year, the auction items are better than ever before.” They include tickets to “Late Night with David Letterman,” “Dr. Phil,” “Live! with Kelly” and more, golf outings at Congressional Country Club, Four Streams Golf Course, TPC at Avenel and Manor Country Club, and trips to the Ritz Carlton at Amelia Island, Fla., Lowes Resort at Universal Orlando – and even one to Hotel Le Bristol in Paris, France. Tickets to the Redskins, Nationals, Wizards as well as spa packages will also be auctioned.
The cost is $125 per ticket ($150 at the door). To RSVP, register or donate, go to www. adoptionstogether.org/TasteofPotomac.aspx. Premier and Corporate Sponsorships are also available. For more information, contact Margo Devine at 301-439-2900 or through email mdevine@adoptionstogether.org.