Centreville — Email announcements to centreview@connectionnewspapers.com. Photos welcome.
Tuesday Nights
World-Class Jazz. 6-9 p.m. Paul Langosch on bass and Rick Whitehead on guitar. At the Copper Canyon, 5815 Trinity Pkwy. Call 703-830-6600 for reservations.
Wednesday Nights
Men’s Chorus. 7:30-10 p.m. Sing "Acappella" with the Fairfax Jubil-Aires men’s barbershop chorus. Members of the Barbershop Harmony Society. At Lord of Life Lutheran Church (West), 13421 Twin Lakes Dr. Visit www.fairfaxjubilaires.org or contact Aaron Watts at 703-793-7166 or adwatts78@yahoo.com.
Mondays & Wednesdays
Zumba. 7-8 p.m. Latin-based dance fitness classes — no gym membership required. Visit www.gozumbafun.com.
Through Aug. 31
Summer Camp. For ages 3 to rising 9th graders. Teen Camp for rising 10th graders to rising 12th graders. At Mount Olive Baptist Church, 6600 Old Centreville Rd.
Tuesday/Aug. 14
Needle Craft. 6:30-8:30 p.m. Centreville Stitchers welcome adults who enjoy knitting, crocheting, or other needlework crafts, and conversation. At the Centreville Regional Library, 14200 St. Germain Dr. Free. Contact Jo at 703-803-0595 or email joknitter@verizon.net.
Thursday/Aug. 16
Hands-on History. 1:30-3:30 p.m. A new program at Ellanor C. Lawrence Park, 5040 Walney Rd., provides an opportunity to experience how children lived in the 1800s. A costumed interpreter will lead the program, adding to the authenticity of the experience. Participants will practice penmanship, wash clothes, churn butter, and make ice cream. This program is suitable for children ages 4-9. $10 per child per session. Register at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl/calendar.htm. Call 703-631-0013, or visit http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/parks/ecl.
Thursday/Aug. 23
Needle Craft. 1:30-3:30 p.m. Centreville Stitchers welcome adults who enjoy knitting, crocheting, or other needlework crafts, and conversation. At the Centreville Regional Library, 14200 St. Germain Dr. Free. Contact Jo at 703-803-0595 or email joknitter@verizon.net.
Friday/Aug. 24 to Sunday/Aug. 26
Conference. Rebuilding Christendom: Towards a Vision of Reconstruction Amidst the Ruins. The Conference will include presentations by 10 speakers, a Friday reception, Continental breakfast on Saturday, Saturday lunch, Saturday dinner, full breakfast on Sunday, Mass on Saturday and Sunday. Early Bird registration of $150. At the Dulles Marriott Hotel. Visit www.rebuildingchristendom.com to register.
Saturday/Aug. 25
Civil War Reenactment. Commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Medical Evacuation of wounded soldiers will be held at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. This Commemoration will honor Clara Barton, "Angel of the Battle Field" and Founder of the Red Cross. The Museum is located at 11200 Fairfax Station Rd. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Outside activities are free. Museum fee is $5 adults; $1 children 5-10. Under 5 are free. Call 703-425-9225 or visit www.fairfax-station.org.
Concert with "Heritage Brothers" from West Virginia. 6:30 pm. Oakton Baptist Church, 14001 Sullyfield Circle, Chantilly. The church is located on Route 50, 1/5 mile east of the Route 28 overpass on the corner of Route 50 and Sullyfield Circle. Call 703 631-1799.
Sunday/Aug. 26
Open House. Caring Hands Animal Hospital of Centreville is holding their 16th Annual Open House and Dog Wash from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Dog wash for donation, silent auction, freebies, children's games, pet contests and more. Open to the public, proceeds will be donated to local animal rescues. 5659 Stone Rd. Call 703-830-5700.
Civil War Reenactment. Commemoration of the 150th anniversary of the Medical Evacuation of wounded soldiers will be held at the Fairfax Station Railroad Museum. This Commemoration will honor Clara Barton, "Angel of the Battle Field" and Founder of the Red Cross. The Museum is located at 11200 Fairfax Station Road in Fairfax Station. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Outside activities are free. Museum fee is $5 adults; $1 children 5-10. Under 5 are free. Call 703-425-9225 or visit www.fairfax-station.org.
Monday/Aug. 27
Greenbriar Garden Club. 7:30 p.m. Multimedia presentation by Master Gardener Jo Ann Benson of four of the most important flower and horticultural locations and events, including Flora Holland—the largest flower and plant auction in the world; the Chelsea Flower Show in London; Floriade, occurring every 10 years; and Monet's gardens at
Giverney in France. Greenbriar Community Center, 4615 Stringfellow Rd.
Saturday/Sept. 29
FX Live. A shared family experience, FX LIVE is a fast-paced, high-octane event for the whole family. Families will experience Biblical truths communicated through special effects and illustrative interaction. 6 p.m. at Centreville Baptist Church, 15100 Lee Hwy. Contact Marlene Hale at 703-830-3333 x 105 or marlene.hale@cbcva.org.