Reston — Join Reston Historic Trust and the Reston Museum at Founder’s Day on Saturday, April 14 at Lake Anne Plaza
to celebrate Reston’s 48th and founder Robert E. Simon, Jr.’s 98th birthday. Festivities will begin at noon with musical entertainment provided by World View, a multicultural group of performers from Park View High School. The theater group from South Lakes High School will preview a selection of music from their spring production of "West Side Story." Remarks by elected officials will be followed by the dedication of the newly-installed commemorative bricks. Then enjoy birthday cake at Reston Museum.
At 1 p.m., Jerry Ferguson of Fairfax Public Access will be available to videotape oral histories from residents that tell the unique story of Reston. All are invited to join the 2nd annual Amazing Founder’s Day hunt beginning at the museum at 1:30 p.m. Participants will be given clues that direct them to ten stops throughout Reston. Those who successfully complete the hunt by 4 p.m. receive medals and are eligible for one of three grand prizes.
For more information, call 703-709-7700, e-mail, or visit