Five questions with West Springfield second baseman Aaron Self

Five questions with West Springfield second baseman Aaron Self

<b>Q: What’s the farthest from the Washington D.C. Metro area that you have traveled?</b>

A: I went to Mexico one year, down in Puerto Vallarta [for] vacation.

<b>Q: What’s the best feeling you can have during a baseball game?</b>

A: Winning, to be honest. At the end of the game, your team has more runs than them, that’s the best feeling you can have.

<b>Q: Who is your favorite music artist?</b>

A: Brad Paisley. I’m a big country fan and Brad Paisley just puts me in the mood.

<b>Q: What’s the best part about being on this team?</b>

A: Everybody jells well together. There’s not one person nobody likes. We all get along well.

<b>Q: What’s your favorite food?</b>

A: My mom’s spaghetti. Nothing beats it.

— Jon Roetman