Five Questions with Yorktown Guard Mike Veith

Five Questions with Yorktown Guard Mike Veith


Yorktown guard Mike Veith.

<b>Q: What is your favorite food?</b>

A: Fried chicken.

<b>Q: What did you do for Super Bowl XLIV?</b>

A: I watched it with my family.

<b>Q: What location is the farthest you have traveled from the Washington, D.C. metro area?</b>

A: Las Vegas. … It was family related.

<b>Q: You’re a senior. What are your plans for next year?</b>

A: I hope to play college basketball next year.

<b>Q: Have you gotten to do anything fun in the recent snow?</b>

A: Rest, take days off of school … [and get in] snowball fights.