The Twig, an auxiliary of Inova Alexandria Hospital, will host its 68th Tour of Homes in historic Old Town Alexandria on Saturday, Sept. 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The 2009 tour features five private residences filled with antiques and artifacts and two other properties in the historic district that have been restored, maintained, adapted and furnished for living in the 21st century. They are all located within a two-block distance of South Washington Street (King to Franklin).
The tour features condos hidden in large expansive structures, former residences that are now businesses, and former businesses that are now fine residences.
Tickets are $30 in advance/$35 on the day of the tour. Check the web site for details and exact locations. Proceeds from the tour help The Twig to complete a $750,000 pledge for a state-of-the-art tertiary Twig Pavilion at Inova Alexandria Hospital, as well as help provide nursing scholarships.
Ticket may be exchanged on the Tour Day for the 68th Tour Booklet with maps and descriptions of the homes.
Exchanges and Tour day purchases maybe made at :
The Twig Thrift Shop, 106 North Columbus Street;
Ramsay House Visitor's Center, 221 King Street
The Lyceum Gift Shop, 201 South Washington Street.
Sponsorship levels include:
Benefactor: $150
Receives four home tour tickets, recognition in the tour program and an invitation to a special cocktail reception in a private home that evening sponsored by the 1872 Society of the Inova Alexandria Hospital Foundation in honor of this year's Tour homeowners and Benefactors
Patron: $100
Receives two home tour tickets and recognition in the tour program
Friend: $75
Receives one home tour ticket and recognition in the tour program
Individual tickets are $30 if purchased prior to Monday, Sept. 21st and $35 on Tour Day.