"ALIVE is so ecumenical — both the donors and the receivers of our aid," declared Jim Caroll. "They feel so comfortable." ALIVE now includes 41 churches.
Jim was speaking to other volunteer workers at a splendid tea given by ALIVE at Goodwin House to honor volunteers.
President Diane Day spoke of the worsening situation caused by the slump. "We used to feed 500 families each month; now it's 800."
Many of our neighbors, current and former, were there: Rev. George Pera of Crown View, world traveler and non-stop volunteer; Joan Vogel, Charlotte Alexander, Jean Schnedl, Nancy Kelly, and Pat Hanna, all of whom now live in Goodwin House.
Dr. Constance Richardson, emergency room physician who formerly worked at Ft. Belvoir, was present, as was Susanne Arnold, chair of the Alive House shelter for women and children, oldest continuously operating women's shelter in Northern Virginia. Both are from St. Rita Catholic Church.
Gertrude Mitchell, Mary Lous Palmer, Cindy and Charles Adams, and Vivian Norflleet were there.
The emergency financial assistance which ALIVE gives those certified by the city to need money for rent and utilities has had to double, according to Ken Naser, executive director.
Marie Campbell Shepherdson, a native Alexandrian whose family foundation aids ALIVE, was there with Marcia Saumweber, director from the foundation.
<1b>— Lois Kelso Hunt