Senior Living Sept. 3-9

Senior Living Sept. 3-9

Arlington’s Office of Senior Adult Programs is a unit of the Dept. of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources. OSAP coordinates the activities at the County’s six seniors centers, senior programming at community centers and operates the Senior Adult Travel office. Arlington residents, 55 years of age and older, can access all the activities by registering with OSAP and paying an annual fee of $15. For more information and a registration application, call 703-228-4744.

Wednesday/Sept. 3

Walking Club. The Walking Club of Arlington for adults (55+) will walk around Lake Anne, Reston, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $3; newcomers welcome. Group leaves from Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, 703-228-4403.

Art Class. Oil painting classes for adults (55+) begin 10 a.m. – noon, Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Taught by Larry Isham; $24 for four two-hour sessions. Call to sign up, 703-228-4403.

Games. Wii games at Langston-Brown Senior Center, 9:30 a.m., 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Both physical and mental workout for adults (55+). No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.

Workshop. Friendly crafters workshop, 11:30 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Share a hobby with other crafters. Drop-in; newcomers welcome; no fee. Details, 703-228-4403.

Music Performance. Local musician Fred Brooks will entertain seniors 11 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, 703-228-0955.

Social Club. The Happy Hearts Social Club for adults (55+) will hold a business meeting at noon, Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Brown bag lunch. For more information, 703-228-5321.

Registration Deadline. Register for mental workout with cranium crunches for adults (55+) to be held, Fri., Sept. 5, 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for information and to register, 703-228-4403.

Baseball Game. Arlington seniors will attend a Washington Nationals vs. Philadelphia Phillies baseball game. Cost is $52. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Thursday/Sept. 4

Driving Safety. AARP’s two day driver safety class for adults (55+), and Fri., Sept. 5, 10 a.m. –3 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Cost is $10. Participants must attend both days to receive certificate, which could reduce insurance premiums. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Dancing Class. Intermediate level line dancing class, for adults (55+), 10 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St. Drop-in; $3.50 per class. Details, 703-228-4745.

Video Visit. Video visit to Australia, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St. Host Flor Fiallos leads discussion. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Workshop. South American maracas workshop for adults (55+), 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Also create Amerindian bags. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5321.

Video Visit. Armchair video adventure to Antarctica for adults (55+), 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.

Woodcarvers. The Lee Woodcarvers group will meet 1 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Chips relief and round carving; no fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0555.

Social Club. The Fair Golds social club for adults (55+) will meet noon, Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S. Stafford St., Arlington. Bring brown bag lunch. Details, call 703-228-5722.

Friday/Sept. 5

Computers. Adults (55+) are invited to the computer lab at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, 10 a.m. – noon, to learn about Cyberseniors/Cyberteens, an intergenerational computer training effort. For more information, 703-228-6425.

Deadline. Fri., Sept. 5 is the final deadline to register for the 2008 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics. For last minute information, call 703-228-4721. NVSO will begin Sat., Sept. 20 and runs through Oct. 2.

Photo Exhibit. Photo journalist Frank Delano will present an exhibit of photos taken in Prince’s Town, Ghana, Fredericksburg, Va.’s sister city, 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center. He will also discuss his experience as a Peace Corps volunteer 40 years ago. No fee. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Walkers. The Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will walk in Eakin Park East, Annandale, 10 a.m. Cost is $2.50; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Fast Walkers. Aurora Hills Senior Center’s fast paced walking group, the Fast Forwards, will meet 8 a.m., 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Music Group. The music appreciation group at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, will meet 1 p.m., to discuss Symphonies with Vocals and composers Gustav Mahler, Karol Szymanowski, Maxim Shostakovich and Hector Berlioz. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-4403.

Singing Group. Join the Caroleers, an informal group of adults (55+) who enjoy singing (or humming) the oldies at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more infor5mation, call 703-228-0555.

Video. A video featuring the Treasure of the Incas-Peru, 10 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Drop-in; no fee; newcomers welcome. Details 703-228-5321.

Games. Duplicate bridge for adults (55+), 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Cost is $4.50; newcomers welcome. For more information, call Anne Gress, 703-243-7714.

Games. Scrabble for adults (55+), 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Friendly competition; newcomers welcome; no fee. Details, 703-228-0955.

Dancing Registration. Register by Friday, Sept. 5 for six week line dancing series for adults (55+) starting Tues., Sept. 9, 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Beginners; cost is $3.50 per class. Details, 703-228-4403.

Saturday/Sept. 6

Tour and Lunch. Arlington seniors will travel to Charlottesville, Va., to tour Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home plus lunch and tour at the historic Michie Tavern. Cost is $68. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Monday/Sept. 8

Health Counseling. One-on-one counseling for seniors regarding Medicare, Medicaid and medication cost issues, 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Call for appointment with Martha Trunk, Arlington Agency on Aging, 703-228-0555. No fee.

Health Group. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meeting, 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Details, 703-228-0555.

Fair. Antarctica Information Fair opens at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, and runs through September. Books, maps and recorded music by the Sinfonia Antarctica. Special programs slated throughout the month. Free. Call for details, 703-228-4403.

Big Brain Academy. Adults (55+) are encouraged to enroll in Lee Senior Center’s Big Brain Academy and sign up for Nintendo games to improve mental skills, 1 p.m., 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Space is limited, call early to register, 703-228-0555. No fee.

Boot Camp. Senior Boot camp for adults (55+) begins 8:50 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. 45 minute combination of cardio and strength exercises. Cost is $28 for seven classes. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Ice Skating. Ice skating for adults (55+), 8 – 9:30 a.m., Kettler Capitals Iceplex, Ballston Mall, Arlington. Cost is $1 (includes skates). Details, 703-228-4745.

Yoga. Yoga for adults (55+), 1 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Previous experience recommended. Cost is $30 for six classes; taught by Shaye Moore. Call to register, 703-228-5321.

Walkers. The Walter Reed Walkers, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., will walk in Bon Air Park, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $2.50; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Culture Video. Video program featuring the culture and scenery of Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, 10 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.

Tuesday/Sept. 9

Music Rehearsal. The Arlington unit of the metropolitan Encore Chorale (adults 55+), will begin rehearsals, 2 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. New members are encouraged to attend the first session of the fall-winter semester; no auditions required. For more information , call 301-261-5747.

Video Tour. A video tour of Yellowstone National Park, 1 p.m., Madison Senior Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-4878.

Country Learning. Walter Reed Senior Center will host an evening about Australia with Raino Perring from the Australian Embassy, 7 p.m., 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Video Trip. Video excursion of a trip by train across Asia from Myanmar (Burma) to Thailand, Singapore, Bali, Beijing and ending in Moscow, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Technology Lesson. Two tech-savvy Arlington librarians, Shari Clayman and Amy Ordoveza will conduct a session for adults (55+) on the next step after taking digital pictures, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Learn how to edit and send pictures; and how to use Photoshop Express. Bring your camera. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Computer Class. Computer class for adults (55+), beginners, starts 12:30 p.m. at Mt Olivet Baptist Church, 1601 S. 13th Road, in partnership with Walter Reed Senior Center. No fee. Register early by calling, 703-228-0955. Class size is limited.

Sudoku. Introduction to solving Sudoku puzzles for adults (55+), 1 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Small class; no fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Exercise. Learn how to exercise with kettlebells, a traditional Russian cast iron weight, in an easy-to-learn workout program, noon, Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Cost is $32 for eight classes plus $30 for a kettlebell. Call to register or for a demonstration, 703-228-4771.

Exercise. Core and More training begins 1 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Improve posture, balance and stability. Cost is $28 for eight classes; a stability ball is required for class. Call to register, 703-228-5321.

Dance Class. Beginners line dancing class for adults (55+), drop-in, 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $3.50 per class for six weeks. Details, 703-228-4403.

Games. Pickleball for adults (55+), beginners, and Thurs., Sept. 11, 1– 3 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Yoga. Intermediate Yoga for adults (55+), 10 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $28 for eight classes; taught by Ines Alicea. Call to register, 703-228-4403.

Health Exercise. Beginners Yoga for adults (55+), 11:15 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Persing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $28 for eight classes, taught by Ines Alicea. Register, 703-228-4403.

Walkers. The Langston Walkers, Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., will meet 9:30 a.m., for a walk in and around the Center. No fee. Details, 703-228-5321.

Music. The Voices of Arlington Chorus for adults (55+) will meet 10 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Games. Table tennis for adults (55+), and Thurs., Sept. 11, 10 a.m.-noon, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Coaching available. No fee. Details, 703-228-0955.

Contest. Arlington seniors are invited to a Taste of the Antarctica contest, 10 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee. Details, 703-228-4403.

Music. The music of Dean Martin, 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $2, includes dessert. Details, 703-228-4403.

Legal Talk. Free legal consultation for seniors with attorneys from Legal Services of Northern Virginia, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Call for appointment, 703-228-5321.

Trip. Arlington seniors will travel to Rehoboth Beach, Del. Cost is $27. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Wednesday/Sept. 11

Language Class. Nine month class to learn conversation Spanish for adults (55+) starts 10 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Exercise. Yoga for adults (55+), 10 a.m., all levels, Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Cost is $28 for eight classes; taught by Peggy Finn. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Health. Meditation classes for adults (55+) , 2 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Cost is $21 for six sessions; taught by Shaye Moore. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Walking Club. The Walking Club of Arlington for adults (55+) will travel to Oak Marr Park, Oakton, Va. for its weekly walking program, 9:30a.m. Cost is $3; newcomers welcome. Group leaves from Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, 703-228-4403.

South American Art. Discover South American art including paintings, sculptures, architecture and artists, 1 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Program presented by Joan Hart, art educator, Museum One. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.

Health Group. Hearing loss support group will meet 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Music Performance. The Walter Reed Senior Center will host a barbershop concert by the Songfellows, 11 a.m., 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Snow Cones. Snow cone day at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 1 p.m., 50 cents, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Program highlights the Center’s month-long celebration of the Antarctica.

Health Check. Free blood pressure checks for seniors , 12:30 p.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Thursday/Sept. 11

Woodcarvers. The Woodcarvers group at Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will meet 1 p.m.; chips relief and round carving. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0555.

Tour. Docent led tour at the National Portrait Gallery, D.C. of “Herblock’s Presidents: Puncturing Pomposity,” for Arlington seniors. Cost is $8. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Life Discussion. Planning for retirement will be discussed 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Session conducted by Alan Dubow, National Association of Retirement Counselors. No fee. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Dancing Class. Intermediate line dancing class for adults (55+), drop-in, 10 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Cost is $3.50 per class. Details, 703-228-4745.

Armchair Activities. Armchair getaway to Antarctica Adventures, 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.

Hearing Talk. Hands on demonstrations of assistive listening devices for adults (55+) with hearing loss, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call by Sept. 10 to register, 703-228-0955.

Hair Loss. Causes and ways of preventing and reversing hair loss will be discussed, 10:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Program presented by public health nurse, Margie Cockrill, R.N. No fee. Details, 703-228-5321.

Friday/Sept. 12

Fast Walkers. The Fast Forwards, a fast paced walking group for adults (55+), will meet 8 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5722.

Music Exploration. Explore the rhythms of South American music, 10:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details 703-228-5321.

Music Appreciation. The music appreciation group at Culpepper Garden Senior Center will discuss famous pianists, 1 p.m., 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.

Healthy Homes. Creating healthy homes using feng shui will be discussed with adults (55+), 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 16th St., Arlington. Program presented by Eileen Conti Welker, feng shui consultant, educator and writer. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Walkers. The Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will walk in Great Falls Park, 10 a.m. Cost is $2; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Yoga. Yoga for adults (55+), 12:30 p.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Cost is $28 for eight classes; taught by Peggy Finn; all levels welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5321.

Trip. The National Cryptological Museum, Ft. Meade, MD, is on the agenda for seniors. Cost is $9. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Monday/Sept. 15

Exercise. Water exercise classes for adults (55+) begin 8:40-9:30 a.m., Washington & Lee High School pool, 1300 N. Quincy St.; Tues., Sept. 16, noon– 12:40 p.m., Wakefield High School pool, 4901 S. Chesterfield St., Arlington. Cost is $45.50, 12 sessions, W&L or $91, 26 sessions, Wakefield. Call to register, 703-228-4745.

Ice Skating. Ice skating for adults (55+), 8– 9:30 a.m., Kettler Capitals Iceplex, Ballston Mall, Arlington. Cost is $1 (includes skates). For more information, 703-228-4745.

Walkers. Roosevelt Island, is the destination of the Walter Reed Walkers, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., 9:30 a.m. Cost is $2.50; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Workshop. Asian jewelry making workshop with real Australian crystal, 10 – noon, Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Dr., Arlington. Register early by calling 703-228-4403. Class size limited, cost is $5.

Art Appreciation. Art appreciation four part series begins 1 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., with “Window on the Riviera: Matisse in Nice.” Cost is $14 for the series or $5 for single program. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Games. Armchair bowling for adults (55+), 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-5321.

Art Class. Oil painting classes for adults (55+) begin 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Cost is $24 for four two-hour classes. Call to register, 703-228-0555.

Yarn Group. The Yarn Crafters at Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., will meet 10:30 a.m. to knit and crochet items for Arlington charities. Yarn and patterns provided. Details, call 703-228-5722.

Health. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly), 10 a.m., Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. Newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-0555.

Tour and Lunch. The Mansion on O Street in the District will welcome Arlington seniors for a tour and lunch. Cost is $48. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Games. Scrabble for adults (55+), 10 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St.; Fri., Sept. 19; 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Free. Call for details, 703-228-5722 (AH), 703-228-0955 (WR).

Tuesday/Sept. 16

Technology Talk. Buying and using a Global Positioning System (GPS) will be discussed 7 p.m. Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee. For more information, call 703-228-0955.

Video Talk. Yosemite National Park will be discussed, with accompanying video, 1 p.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-4878.

Games. Pickleball for adults (55+), beginners, and Thurs., Sept. 18, 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Free. For more information, 703-228-0955.

Walkers. The Langston Walkers, Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., will walk in and around the Center, 9:30 a.m. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.

Health Class. Beginners and intermediate level Pilates classes for adults (55+) start 9:15 a.m., Madison Community Center, 3829 N. Stafford St., Arlington. Cost is $49 for 14 classes. Call for details, 703-228-0555.

Art. Create small copper Australian wall hangings, 10:15 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Session conducted by Park Naturalist Jennifer Soles. Free. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

Music Lesson. Piano lessons for adults (55+) begin 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $15 per half hour session. Early registration required by calling 703-228-4403.

Games. Table tennis for adults (55+), and Thurs., Sept. 18, 10 a.m. – noon, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Musical Café. Culpepper Garden Senior Center’s Tuesday musical café social will feature songs by Sammy Davis Jr., 1 p.m., 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Cost is $2; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-4403.

Health Talk. One-on-one counseling about Medicare issues with Martha Trunk, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee. Call for appointment, 703-228-5321.

Wednesday/Sept. 17

Brookside Garden, Md., will welcome the Walking Club of Arlington for adults (55+), for its weekly walking program and picnic, 9:30 a.m. Cost is $3; newcomers welcome. Group leaves from Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, 703-228-4403.

Art Class. Intermediate oil painting classes for adults (55+) begin 10 a.m. – noon, Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. Cost is $24 for four two hour classes. Call to register, 703-228-0955.

State by Video. The state of New Jersey will be visited via video at Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., 11 a.m. Drop-in; no fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-5321.

Hobby. Card making class with rubber stamps, 1 p.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Cost is $5. Register early by calling, 703-228-5722.

Musician. Local musician and singer, Fred Brooks, will entertain seniors, 11 a.m., Walter Reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0955.

Social Club. The Happy Hearts social club for adults (55+) will meet noon, Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. Bring a bag lunch; dessert and beverage provided. Details, 703-228-0955.

Wii Games. Nintendo Wii games for adults (55+), 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome; drop-in. Details, 703-228-5321.

Thursday/Sept. 18

Story Tellers. Come and learn how to become a Spellbinder, a group of senior volunteer story tellers, 1 p.m., Walter Reed Senior Center. 2909 S. 16th St., Arlington. New members receive free training. Lots of fun interacting with schoolchildren. For more information, call 703-228-0955.

Dancing. Intermediate line dancing for adults (55+), 10 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Cost is $3.50 per class; drop-in. Details, 703-228-4745.

Continent Getaway. Armchair getaway to the Antarctica, 1 p.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-4403.

Crafts. South American crafts workshop, 9:30 a.m., Langston-Brown Senior Center, 2121 N. Culpeper St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-5321.

Woodcarving. Join the Woodcarvers group at Lee Senior Center for chips relief and round carving, 1 p.m., 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Details, 703-228-0555.

Social Club. The Fair Golds social club for adults (55+) will meet noon, Fairlington Community Center, 3308 S. Stafford St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. For information, call Julie Albers at 703-228-5722.

Health Talk. The subject of hair loss, causes and remedies, will be discussed, 10:15 a.m., Walter reed Senior Center, 2909 S. 16th St., Arligton. No fee; newcomers welcome. For more information, call 703-228-0955.

Antiques. Jean Jackson of Antiques Associates will meet with seniors 11 a.m., Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. Bring small objects for one-on-one consultation. No fee; newcomers welcome. Register by Sept. 15 by calling 703-228-4403.

Performance. Arlington seniors will attend a performance of “La Traviata” by the Washington National Opera at The Kennedy Center. Cost is $14. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Friday/Sept. 19

Walkers. The Lee Walkers, Lee Senior Center, 5722 Lee Highway, will walk along the Wildwood Trail, Vienna, 10 a.m. Cost is $2; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-2328-0555.

Fast Walkers. Aurora Hills Senior Center’s fast paced walking group will meet 9 a.m., 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call to register, 703-228-5722.

Games. Duplicate bridge games for adults (55+), 10:00 a.m., Aurora Hills Senior Center.Cost is $4.50; newcomers welcome. For details, call Anne Gress, 703-243-7714.

Trip. It’s off to Charles Town, WV and the Charles Town Slots, for Arlington adults (55+). Cost is $22. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel, 703-228-4749. Registration required.

Music Group. The music appreciation group at Culpepper Garden Senior Center will discuss Chamber Music, 1 p.m., 4435 N. Pershing Drive, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome; drop-in. Details, 703-228-4403.

Performance. Welcome Back Brunch at Aurora Hills Senior Center will feature Ms. Virginia Senior America, Ruth Barnett and a performance by the singing and dancing group, Cameo Jewels, 10 a.m. – noon, 735 S. 18th St., Arlington. Cost is $6. Register by Sept. 17 by calling 703-228-5722.

Book Group. The book discussion group at Aurora Hills Senior Center, 735 S. 18th St., will meet 1 p.m. to discuss “Water for Elephants” by Sara Gruen. No fee; newcomers welcome. Call for details, 703-228-5722.

Games. Canasta games for adults (55+), Lee Senior Center, 10 a.m.-noon, 5722 Lee Highway, Arlington. No fee; newcomers welcome; drop-in. Details, 703-228-0555.

Saturday/Sept. 20

Opening Day. Opening day of the 10 day 2008 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics, 10:30 a.m., Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 S. 2nd St., Arlington. Opening ceremonies followed by track and field events. Also a Health Fair sponsored by the Virginia Hospital Center. The public is invited; no fee. For more information, 703-228-4721 or


Outside Excursions. 2008 overnight excursions for seniors through Arlington Senior Adult Travel include Mt. Rushmore, Black Hills and Badlands of S.D., Sept. 8-17; Cape Cod, Mass., Oct. 20-24; Oglebay Resort, “Festival of Lights,” Wheeling W.V., Dec. 9-12. Call for costs and details, 703-228-4748.

The Rocking Horse Dude Resort, Highland, N.Y., will host seniors, June 9-13. Full scale dude ranch and year round resort. Call Arlington Senior Adult Travel for information, 703-228-4748.

Ongoing Events

* Arlington County’s Public Health Division is asking seniors and all county residents to participate in a survey to help determine where the local public health system should focus its efforts. For more information and to obtain a survey, call 703-228-1795 or visit

* The Arlington Agency on Aging has received a small grant to purchase fans to give to older Arlington residents (ages 60 and older) during the summer months. For information or to request an application, call 703-228-1700 or visit the Arlington Agency on Aging, located at 3033 Wilson Blvd. (seventh floor).

* Sports for Arlington seniors: tennis (Mon.-Fri.), volleyball (Tues.), ice skating (Mon.) and golf (Tues. & Thurs.) Call for more information, 703-228-4745.

*Caregivers’ Workshop. The Alzheimer’s Association is sponsoring a workshop for caregivers of seniors at 6:30 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of every month through May covering topics such as “Caring, Coping and Understanding Dementia,” “Healthy Brain Aging,” and “Managing Caregiver Stress.” Located at Brighton Gardens of Arlington, 3821 Wilson Blvd. Free. Refreshments provided, call to RSVP, 703-294-6875.

* Seniors (55+) are invited to register with Arlington County’s Office of Senior Adult Programs and participate in fitness, education, arts, social and travel programs at seven senior centers. The cost is an annual $15 registration fee which includes a bi-monthly program guide .Transportation options to the centers are available. For more information, call OSAP at 703-228-4744.

* Free federal and state income tax preparation for seniors every Tuesday and Friday until April 15 between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Culpepper Garden Senior Center, 4435 N. Pershing Drive, by certified AARP Taxaide counselors, Appointments necessary by calling 703-228-4403.