Bulletin Board Sept. 4-10

Bulletin Board Sept. 4-10

To have a notice listed in the Bulletin, e-mail gazette@connectionnewspapers.com. Call Rebecca Halik at 703-917-6407 with questions.

The deadline to enter the 2008 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics is Fri., Sept. 5. This year’s NVSO competition begins Sat., Sept. 20 and runs through Thurs., Oct. 2. The registration fee is $10 which includes one event; additional events are $1 each. There are also additional fees for bowling, golf and miniature golf. For more information and a registration form, call 703-228-4721 or download from www.novaseniorolympics.com.

On Tuesday, Sept. 16, the Mount Vernon Genealogical Society (MVGS) will meet in room 112 of the Hollin Hall Senior Center in Alexandria at 1 p.m. and is free and open to the public. The meeting will feature a presentation entitled "Genealogical Resources in the Fairfax County Library Virginia Room" The program will be presented by Suzanne Levy. For information visit http://www.MVGenealogy.org/. Any questions about the program should be directed to Harold McClendon at 703-360-0920 or haroldm@erols.com.

The Mount Vernon-Lee Chamber of Commerce is holding a brown bag breakfast on Sept. 17 from 8-9:30 a.m. at SFDC Conference Room, 8850 Richmond Highway, Suite 105. Free.

The Mount Vernon Republican Women will host a Wine & Cheese Book Signing on Thursday, September 18, starting at 7 p.m. at the home of Bryan and Sandy Bourne in Alexandria. Alexandria resident and author Craig Shirley will speak about his first book: Reagan’s Revolution: The Untold Story of the Campaign that Started It all. After the discussion, books will be personalized by the author. Shirley will also discuss his second book Rendezvous With Destiny: Ronald Reagan and The Campaign That Changed America, and will address the overall state of the GOP. Cost is $20 per person (includes 1 autographed book) or $30 for two people (includes one autographed book). Additional autographed books are $20 each. Reservations are required by September 12th. A reservation made is a reservation paid. For more information please email info@mvrw.org.

MT. VERNON BRANCH AAUW will hold its annual kickoff dinner on Sept. 18, at 6:30 p.m., at Mt. Vernon Country Club, 5111 Old Mill Road. Cost of the meal is $30. Reservations can be made by calling Louise Meade at 703-960-0073 before Sept. 14.

The HarbourLights Quartet will present an evening concert at Franconia Baptist Church, 5912 Franconia Road, Alexandria, on Sunday, September 21, 2008 at 7 p.m. The quartet is a local group and specializes in "classic" southern gospel music. The concert is free of charge and everyone is welcome. Any questions, please call 703-971-4475.

The Friends of Fort Ward will present the City of Alexandria with the second annual General John G. Barnard Award on Saturday, Sept. 20, commemorating a more than 50-year legacy of preservation activities at the Fort Ward Museum and Historic Site. The award will be presented during “Fete at the Fort,” a celebration from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at the Museum. In addition to the presentation, Douglas Jimerson and the Civil War Comrades will offer a program of period music. Call 703-838-4848 to make a reservation. For more information, please visit www.fortward.org.

The Alexandria Workshop of Ikebana International meets at the Hollin Hall Senior Citizen Center, 1500 Shenandoah Road, at 9:30 a.m. on the first Wednesday of each month from September through June except December and January. Ikebana is the Japanese art of floral arrangement. The group makes Ikebana floral arrangements, studies the history of the art and learns new techniques. New members are welcome. For more information call Julie Cimino at 202-544-5331.

The Mount Vernon Hospital Auxiliary is currently accepting applications for adult volunteers. A variety of positions are available and every effort is make to match the volunteer's availability, interests, and abilities. The hospital is located at 2501 Parkers Lane in Alexandria. Call 703-664-7260 or visit www.inova.org for more information.

The Mount Vernon Kiwanis Club helps the children of this area enjoy special educational and recreational trips, summer camps, and many other healthy activities. If you would like to give more service to the Mt. Vernon community, meet the first and third Wednesday of every month from 6-8 p.m. for dinner and a program at the Mount Vernon Country Club on Old Mill Road. Contact Bruce or Joanne Malkin at 703-360-7725 or jbmalkin@verizon.net

The Fairfax Area Agency on Aging Meals on Wheels (MOW) Program for all areas of Fairfax County, Alexandria, the City of Falls Church and Fairfax City are in critical need of MOW drivers and deliverers for meal supplements. 703-324-5410 to volunteer.

Driver Coordinator Needed - Mt. Vernon Meals on Wheels is looking for a responsible volunteer in the Mt. Vernon area to manage the volunteer schedule for Meals on Wheels drivers. For more information, please call the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging’s Volunteer Intake Line: 703-324-5406, TTY: 703-449-1186 or email DFSAAAvolunteer@fairfaxcounty.gov. For information on additional volunteer opportunities with the Fairfax Area Agency on Aging, visit our website at www.fairfaxcounty.gov/aaa.

The Northern Virginia Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is seeking persons who are diplomatic, assertive, and good communicators to serve as volunteer ombudsmen. Volunteers are assigned to a specific local nursing home or assisted-living facility in the City of Alexandria and make weekly visits, meeting one-on-one with residents. For further information and to obtain an application, call 703-324-5422, or visit www.fairfaxcounty.gov/LTCOmbudsman.

The Northern Virginia Habitat ReStore, located at 7770-G Richmond Highway, Alexandria, VA (behind Gold's Gym), sells new and used building and home improvement materials to the general public. All proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity of Northern Virginia. The ReStore is run by volunteers that dedicate their time and energy to the work of Habitat and we are in need of more volunteers. Call the store today at 703-360-6700 or stop by. For more information visit: www.restorenova.org.

Band musicians [young or old] bring instruments and play along with the Mount Vernon Community Band during their Tuesday evening band practices from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Mt Vernon High School Band Room. 8515Old Mt Vernon Road. No auditions. Just sit in and play along even if you are "rusty." Music and music stands will be provided. Call Ed Smith 703-768-8278 or Eric Leighty 703-768-4172.

Adoption Support Groups are forming in the Mount Vernon area. All members of the adoption triad, (adoptees, birth parents, and adoptive parents) are encouraged to call for more information about the groups as well as individual, couples, and/or family counseling. The groups will be held in the evenings. Contact Diana Tracey, licensed clinical social worker, at 571-245-0054.

The Inova Mount Vernon Hospital Auxiliary is currently accepting applications for adult volunteers. Volunteering at Mount Vernon Hospital is fun, exciting, and rewarding. A variety of positions are available and every effort is made to match your availability, interests, and abilities with the volunteer opportunities within the program. The hospital is located at 2501 Parker's Lane in Alexandria. For further information, call 703-664-7260, stop by the Director of Volunteer Services office Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., or visit www.inova.org.

MOMS Club of Alexandria meet every second Wednesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. at Mt. Vernon Presbyterian Church, 2001 Sherwood Hall Lane. Children are welcome to all activities. Activities include: Monthly Meetings, playgroups, Park Days, Sunshine Committee, Community Service Projects, MOMS Night Out, etc. Visit www.geocities.com/southalexmomsclub/index.html for contact information.

Take Off Pounds Sensibly, a weight loss support group, meets every Wednesday at 7 p.m., Mount Vernon Recreation Center, 2701 Commonwealth

Ave. Private weigh-ins. Annual fee $24. 703-299-5788.

If you are a senior choral singer come and join a bunch of guys your age and sing with the “Harmony Heritage Singers” Barbershop Chorus Rehearse twice a month on Wednesday or Friday depending on the availability of the library at Sherwood Regional Library, 2501 Sherwood Hall Lane from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. The group hassingers from several local organizations who sing with their regular groups as well as belonging to the Harmony Heritage Singers. Drop in on any rehearsal.

Rehearsal schedule can be found at: http://members.cox.net/the perfectpitch/ or by calling James Coulter (703)957-4597 Email: jnjcoulter@comcast.net