Housewarming at the Carlyle House

Housewarming at the Carlyle House


Scott Smith portrays an 18th century surveyor with all of his maps and instruments. It was John West who originally surveyed in land that is now Alexandria in the 18th century.


Horses were the mode of transportation when the Carlyle’s moved into their new house. The Full Monty takes a place in the shade and nibbles the grass in the green at the historic house.


Mr. MacDonald, a tobacco merchant from Glascow, Scotland is in town to talk to John Carlyle about having Virginia tobacco shipped to Glascow for trade.


Thomas Bouquet arrives at the mansion prepared to accompany the ladies with his fiddle.


A neighbor of the Carlyle’s Mrs. Piper is accompanied to Gadsby’s Tavern by John Carlyle’s overseer Mr. Campbell

Saturday afternoon celebrated the anniversary of John and Sarah Carlyle moving into their home on N. Fairfax Street in 1753.