Another Chance for Riverbend

Another Chance for Riverbend

Riverbend Country Club will need to hold a new public hearing on its plans to renovate its aging facilities. The club plans to remove some maintenance facilities and to construct some new ones, in addition to performing a major overhaul on the golf course.

Part of the plan involves making changes to the floodplain of the Clark’s Branch. While some portions of the previous public hearing, which was held on April 18, dealt with floodplain issues, they did not go far enough, said Planning Commissioner Nancy Hopkins (Dranesville).

As county planners and engineers studied the plan further, they realized they had not completed a sufficiently detailed analysis, said Hopkins. As a result, the public hearing did not address the issues properly, she said.

To remedy the situation, Hopkins called for a new public hearing on the proposed changes to Riverbend. The Commission unanimously supported the proposal, and the hearing is set for June 13.