Once again this year, Krop’s Crops donated a percentage of their Christmas tree, wreath and pointsettia sales to the Great Falls Optimist Club. Since 1991, the Krop family has supported the local Optimist Club with donations that help fund the organization’s many child-centered programs and activities. They also donate trees to needy families who are unable to purchase them.
Located at 1110 Georgetown Pike in Great Falls, the family-owned and operated business offers pre-cut and cut-your-own trees as well as hand-made wreaths, roping, poinsettias and other plants, gift and centerpiece baskets, lights and bows.
The Great Falls Optimist Club is a child-centered non-profit organization that focuses on supporting, encouraging and challenging children to reach greater heights.
Those interested in joining or volunteering at specific events can contact President T.R. Cook at 703-938-5885 or cooksphotoart@aol.com; or Membership Co-chair Angela Bongiorno at 703-759-2925 or angela.bongiorno@verizon.net. Contributions can be mailed to P.O. Box 233, Great Falls, Virginia 22066.