GFCA Receives Environment Award

GFCA Receives Environment Award

This year is the first time that the Great Falls Citizens Association (GFCA) is acting as a sponsor for the weekly Great Falls Summer Concert Series, with GFCA members emceeing at each event.

For the May 27 concert, the Great Falls Citizens Association focused on its Heritage Tree Census project, which began last September and concludes on June 15. The Tree Census project was created in an effort to promote citizen awareness and concern about the value of the large, established trees in the Great Falls area. Residents were encouraged to locate and measure the biggest trees they could find in Great Falls and submit this information to the Heritage Tree Census via individual nomination forms.

After June 15, members of the Heritage Tree Census task force will review all of the submitted nominations to find the largest local tree in each category of native species. The “winners” will be announced on the Great Falls Village Center green at 11 a.m. on July 4, after the annual Great Falls Fourth of July parade. Prizes will be awarded to the residents responsible for submitting the winning nominations in each tree species category.

At the May 27 Great Falls Summer Concert event, Dranesville District Supervisor Joan DuBois presented the Great Falls Citizens Association with a Fairfax County Environmental Award plaque in recognition of the civic organization’s Heritage Tree Census project and its commitment to promoting environmental awareness and tree preservation in Great Falls.

For more information visit, or e-mail Heritage Tree Census task force chair Bill Canis