Health Notes

Health Notes

Life Line Screening offers stroke-risk screening Saturday, Aug. 18 at 9 a.m. at Word of Life Assembly of God, 5225 Backlick Road, Springfield. A complete wellness package with stroke/carotid artery screening, abdominal aortic aneurysm, ankle brachial index and osteoporosis screenings is $129. For information or to schedule an appointment call 1-877-237-1287.

The Jewish Social Services Agency offers a number of workshops and classes. It is located at 3018 Javier Road in Fairfax. To register or for information call 703-204-9100.

* Get Connected: Adult Social Skills. Tuesdays until Aug.14. Call for time. For men and women ages 19-30 who may have Asperger's Syndrome and are having difficulty transitioning into successful young adulthood.

* Living from your Center: The Art of Relaxation to Reduce Stress and Maximize Living. Until Aug. 13 from 7-8 p.m. Learn how to shift from stressed-out and exhausted to relaxed and refreshed.

Brain Tumor Group, first Tuesday of the month at the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Adult patients and families are invited to share and learn ways to meet the challenges of living with primary malignant or benign brain tumors. For more information, call 703-698-2841.

The Caregivers Meeting. Weekly drop-in group for family members and friends of those with cancer to discuss various concerns. Wednesdays, from 7-8:30 p.m., at Inova Fairfax Hospital in the Radiation Oncology Conference Room. Use the blue garage. Call 703-698-2841 or visit

Alzheimer's Caregiver Support Groups are facilitated by trained group leaders, ongoing, free and open to the community. For schedules, call 1-866-259-0042.

Burke/Springfield/Fairfax Compassionate Friends Support Group. Friendship and understanding to families grieving the death of a child. The support group meets monthly at St. Mary of Sorrows Catholic Church, 5222 Sideburn Road, Fairfax, at 7:30 p.m. Call 703-425-9504.

Northern Virginia Epilepsy Group meets Wednesdays until Aug. 29 from 7-8 p.m. at Falls Church High School, Entrance 1, Room 100, 7521 Jaguar Trail, Falls Church. For more call Dana at 703-425-6669.

Birth Mothers support group meets weekly in Northern Virginia. It is for any woman who has ever placed a child in adoption and would like to meet with others who have done the same. A licensed clinical social worker and a national certified counselor will lead the group. Call Pat Cunningham or Stephanie Hayden at Catholic Charities at 703-425-0100. A modest fee is charged based on income.

Achieve Fitness is offering free trial classes for its women-only outdoor fitness boot camps in Fairfax Station. To register, visit or call 1-888-872-7961. E-mail

Body and Soul aerobics and strength training classes meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9-10:30 a.m., at Burke Community Church, 9990 Old Keene Mill Road. Body and Soul is a complete cardiovascular and strength workout to contemporary Christian music. Call Suzann Albanese at 703-372-2332.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society sponsors the 'First Connection' program, which matches patients newly diagnosed with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma or another blood-related cancer — and their families — with cancer survivors who have lived through a similar illness. For more information on this program, call 703-960-1100, ext. 231.

NOVACO Transitional Housing is a non-profit program for victims of domestic abuse. Through HUD funding and community and church donations, the organization offers a comprehensive two-year transitional housing program for families including counseling, education for job enhancement, life skills training and child care. All clients receive follow-up counseling for up to two years after graduation from the program. Call 202-723-3000.

Food Addicts In Recovery Anonymous is a program for individuals recovering from addictive eating and anorexia based on the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins at our meetings. Meetings are held on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. and Saturdays at 8 a.m., at Westwood Baptist Church, 8200 Old Keene Mill Road, Springfield. Call 1-877-805-2823 for more information and other times and locations.

Sunrise Assisted Living of Fairfax offers a short-term stay program for aging persons. Fees vary depending on the community and personal care needs. Three meals per day are included. Program is designed for one week's stay to several months. Call 703-691-0046. Sunrise of Fairfax is located at 9207 Arlington Blvd., Fairfax.

Individual Nutrition Counseling. Schedule an individual appointment with registered dietitian Julie Thorsen from Inova Fairfax Cancer Center's Cancer Patient Nutrition Support Program and learn how to optimize your nutritional status related to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Call 703-289-8787 to schedule an appointment.

VITAS Innovative Hospice Care of Northern Virginia offers pet therapy and a multilingual staff to patients and families living in the City of Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax, Prince William and Loudoun counties. Volunteers should contact the program office at 703-788-6680 for opportunities to participate in patient care. Families may call 800-93-VITAS for more information about hospice or to schedule a free consultation.

HAVEN of Northern Virginia sponsors the following bereavement support groups. HAVEN of Northern Virginia is located at 4604 Ravensworth Road, Annandale. For more information, call 703-941-7000 or visit

* Widow/Widower Bereavement Support Groups, for anyone grieving the death of a spouse. Meetings take place on the first and third Thursday of the month from 2-3:30 p.m. or on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month from 7:30-9 p.m.

* Suicide Survivors Bereavement Support Group, for anyone grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide, meets the first Tuesday of the month from 7:30-9 p.m.

* One on One Support. A volunteer will meet with a person grieving the death of a loved one, as needed, to provide individual support. Volunteers will be carefully selected to match individual needs.

Lamaze classes will be on Wednesday nights at Kaiser in Springfield. Weekend classes are also available. Call 301-352-9727 to register.

Northern Virginia Community College is awarding scholarships to child care providers through a program sponsored by the Virginia Department of Social Services. The goal is to produce well-trained childcare providers in an effort to lead those individuals to future success and assist parents. Details are available at or call 866-636-1608 (toll-free) for more information.

The Jewish Social Service Agency sponsors services for older adults in Northern Virginia, including in-home support services such as nonsectarian geriatric care management services and counseling for seniors and their families. Call 703-204-9100. The Jewish Social Service Agency is located at 3018 Javier Road, Fairfax.

Alzheimer's Association Caregiver Support Group. Meets the third Monday of the month from 10-11:30 a.m., at Manor Care of Fair Oaks, 12475 Lee Jackson Highway. Facilitated by trained group leaders, ongoing, free and open to the community. Support groups allow families to meet other caregivers, to share experiences and caregiving tips while developing coping skills. Caregivers and family members are invited to visit. Call Anita Newsome, group leader, at 703- 352-7172 prior to attending for the first time.

CanSurvive. Life with Cancer sponsors a patient-led, drop-in lunchtime general cancer support group for those dealing with any type of cancer on Thursdays at noon, at the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Call 301-610-9146 or visit

Inova Health System has opened a counseling center for Virginia Tech students and their families who are coping with the shooting at the school April 16. The services are free of charge and include initial assessments, short-term grief counseling, stress management, referrals and more. For more, call 703-204-2122 or see

Thyroid Cancer Support Group. Open to thyroid cancer survivors and their adult loved ones to share information and support in this monthly meeting co-sponsored by the Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association. Call 1-877-588-7904.

Spirituality Quest support group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Call 703-698-2841.

Multiple Myeloma Group meets monthly to discuss experiences, emotions and challenges of living with multiple myeloma. The Life With Cancer Family Center is located at 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax. Call 703-698-2841.

Breast Cancer Group at the Inova Fairfax Woman's Center, Radiation Oncology Conference Room, 3300 Gallows Road. Call 703-698-2841.

Metastatic Breast Cancer support groups provide a closed group setting with other women living with metastatic breast cancer, take place on Thursdays and Fridays. Registration is required. Call Sage Bolte at 703-208-5620.

Birthmothers is an outreach ministry for pregnant women serving Fairfax county. They match pregnant women with a specially trained friend who listens to concerns about being pregnant, the baby's father and the future. The group also connects women with practical assistance like low-cost prenatal care, housing resources or legal aid. Birthmothers is confidential and free. Call 1-877-77BIRTH.

Short-term Counseling Services offers an opportunity to discuss the challenges that follow a cancer diagnosis and to explore effective ways of coping. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call the Life with Cancer office at 703-698-2820.

Recovery Inc. is a nonprofit support group for depression, bipolar disorder and other nervous disease meets every Friday at Boulevard Baptist Church, 7000 Arlington Blvd., Falls Church. Contact Lee at 703-777-1708.

Chapter 5300 of the AARP meets on the first Tuesday of each month at Greenspring Retirement Community in Springfield in the theater at Village Square at 1 p.m.

Home Safety Survey is an opportunity to spot fire or life safety hazards. The life safety education officer or a City of Fairfax fire inspector will perform a home walk-through to inspect all smoke detectors, review fire escape plans, check to see that all emergency numbers are posted, scan for other safety hazards and make suggestions to remedy any problems. Call Lt. John Henderson at 703-273-8109 to make an appointment.

Burke Internal Medicine, 5631 Burke Center Parkway, offers free health evaluations for individuals ages 55 and over who have no current health coverage. Included in the offer is a free cholesterol screening, blood pressure screening, diabetes screening, personal risk assessment and consultation. To make an appointment, call Dr. Nabil Andrawis or Dr. Nashwa Gabra at 703-250-5171.

My Gym Children's Fitness Center of Burke now offers registration for its fall session. The fitness center offers fitness classes for children as well as birthday parties. For more information about My Gym of Burke or to register for fall classes, contact Valarie Jacobs at 703-425-5327.

A health education and physical fitness program for adults over 50 meets Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:15 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. on the Fairfax GMU campus, University Drive, Fairfax. This nationally-recognized program is sponsored by George Mason University and managed by its participants. The focus is to improve physical well-being and to increase stamina. $40/month. For more information e-mail and leave name, phone number and e-mail address.

The Northern Virginia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Support Group offers a support group the third Saturday of every month from 2-4 p.m. at the Mason Government Center, 6507 Columbia Pike, Annandale. Open to anyone interested in CFC, FM, Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome/Dysautonomia and orthostatic intolerance. Free; free parking. No stairs to climb. Refrain from wearing scented products. For more contact Elly Brosius at 703-968-9818, or visit

The Alzheimer's Association, National Capital Area accepts used car donations through its partner cars4charities. Call 1-866-448-3487 or visit Vehicles are towed away free of charge. Some restrictions apply.

Good Grief for Children 5-12 Years Old. Life with Cancer Family Center, Suite 203, Room B, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax., in the Merrifield area. This is the continuation of an eight-week series utilizing group activities and art therapy through which children can share thoughts and feelings to help with the grief process. Call 703-698-2841 or visit

Lung Cancer Group. Join fellow lung cancer patients and family members to discuss the challenges of living with lung cancer and its treatments. Facilitated by an oncology counselor. At the Life with Cancer Family Center, 2832 Juniper St., Fairfax, Room 1E. Call 703-698-2841 or visit

Weight Management. Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets Thursdays, at 6:45 p.m., at Bruen Chapel United Methodist Church, 3035 Cedar Lane, Fairfax. Annual membership is $20. Call 202-622-6042 or visit

DivorceCare is offered as a support group at First Baptist Church of Springfield, 7300 Gary St., Springfield, each Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Church Parlor. Call the church office at 703-451-1500.