Neighbors Support Ava

Neighbors Support Ava

Street-length garage sale raises more than $5,000 for McLin family.

At first glance she seems no different than any other 20-month-old. She rests in the arms of a trusted friend, having just cried herself to sleep. However, Ava McLin’s story is not that of any other 20-month-old.

"It is a rare disease, a variety of muscular dystrophy, still in its research stage," said Cathy Waters, a neighbor of the McLin family. "They [the McLin family] are doing everything they can to stabilize the situation," said Waters.

The situation is a rare one. Ava was diagnosed with type II spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) when she was 10 months old. As a result, Ava cannot sit unassisted, crawl, stand or walk. The disease causes breathing and swallowing difficulties, and children with type II SMA experience a shortened lifespan, although some live into their 20s. The McLin family is doing what it can to organize its surroundings to make it easier for Ava to live her life. Since she is a wheelchair user, the family is currently remodeling its home on Aintree Lane in Reston to make it wheelchair accessible.

"Right now Ava is contained to the kitchen," said Anja McLin, Ava’s mother. "We’re doing it [the remodeling] ourselves," she said.

Neighbors on Aintree Lane came together on Saturday, April 21, to help the McLins raise funds for Ava. It is unusual when a garage sale advertisement only lists a street without a specific address, but Saturday’s garage sale took place the entire length of Aintree Lane. "This is our first event, and every neighbor is participating," said Anja McLin. Neighbors set up shops in front of their homes, donated items for the garage sale, donated money or did any combination of those things.

"EVERY ONE of the neighbors has donated things," said Waters. She said people in the neighborhood come from many different professional backgrounds, and they wanted to do something for one of its own. "Help begins at home," said Waters. A variety of items were on sale, from a 1980 Honda push mower to works of art, clothing, television sets, laptop computers, books and lawn and garden effects.

People from places other than Reston came to show support, and left having bought something at the sale. "There was a guy here from Cleveland this morning," said Jan Bixby, a neighbor whose front yard and driveway turned into a small market place.

"It has really been great. We will probably have another fund-raising event," said Anja McLin.

While the commotion of a neighborhood-wide garage sale took place up and down the street, Anja McLin’s husband, Randy, and his friends were working inside the house. "Most of the money from the garage sale will go toward remodeling the house," said Anja McLin.

Saturday’s garage sale raised more than $5,000 for Ava. Since the family is doing the remodeling itself, with labor assistance from friends, but a lack of expertise, it is seeking someone who has the expertise in creating a wheelchair accessible environment in houses.