Meet Your Neighbor

Meet Your Neighbor

Linda Barlock is a local resident who has been a longtime director of the Potomac Community Center. She loves sports, including NASCAR. She is this week's People Profile.

<b>Number of years in the community: </b>Seventeen years as the director of the Potomac Community Center.

<b>Family: </b>Husband, Michael; children, Bryan, 16 and Emma, 14.

<b>Education: </b>Graduated in 1975 from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in recreation.

<b>Activities, interests, hobbies? </b>Supporting and volunteering in my children's schools and sports (bowling, basketball and softball). Avid sports fan, especially Nascar, the Redskins and anything TERPS!

<b>Favorite local restaurant or place in the community? </b>Restaurant—Potomac Pizza and Jade Billows. Favorite place in community—Potomac Community Center of course!

<b>What are your community concerns? What are some ideas you have on ways to improve your community? </b>

Concerns: traffic, keeping our youth safe. Ideas: better roads and more tickets to speeders; provide adequate funding to recreation programs for school age youth.

<b>What brought you here?</b> I began working for Montgomery County Recreation Department upon graduation from college and never left.

<b>What community "hidden treasure" do you think more people should know about?</b> The Flower garden around the back side of the community center that is tended to with loving care by the Potomac Home & Garden Club members.

<b>What you were younger, what did you want to be when you "grew up?" </b>A pharmacist, but then I found out you had to learn Latin.

<b>Where do you see yourself in five years? </b>Hopefully still at the Potomac Community Center, unless I am lucky and win the lottery so then I can retire.

<b>Personal goals? </b>See my children get a college education and find their perfect match so I can dance at their weddings and spoil my grandchildren in my retirement years.