Week in Vienna

Week in Vienna

<sh>Sunrise Coming

To Blake Lane

<bt>The Board of Supervisors approved an independent living facility on Blake Lane in Oakton.

The roughly 7.5-acre property is just south of Route 123. It is occupied by an old Sunrise Assisted Living building, which is no longer operating. Sunrise will remove the existing building and replace it with a 121-unit complex.

Supervisor Linda Smyth (D-Providence) praised Sunrise for reducing the size of their initial proposal (which had 145 units) to something which she said is more in character with the surrounding community, which is predominantly townhouses.

The proposal was approved unanimously. Supervisor Joan DuBois (R-Dranesville) was absent from the meeting and Supervisors Gerry Hyland (D-Mount Vernon) and Michael Frey (R-Sully) were out of the room during the vote.

<sh>Real Estate

Tax Deadline

<bt>The first installment on 2006 town of Vienna real estate tax bills is due on Friday, July 28. Mailed payments must be postmarked on or before that date to avoid penalties and interest. For more information call the town's real estate office at 703-255-6325. To pay by credit card online, go to www.viennava.gov and click on "Online Payments." To pay by phone with a credit card, call 1-888-272-9829 and use the jurisdiction code 1094 for real estate. Make sure to record the confirmation number given.