Smoke and Mirrors

Smoke and Mirrors

Letter to the Editor

To the Editor:

It is incredible to see that Virginia prosecutor James Fisher would be publicly defending Del. Dave Albo's (R-42) attempt to drastically lower penalties for child molesters ["Setting Record Straight," Connection, Oct. 20-26].

Strangely, Fisher offers a "Web site summary" of the Albo bill as his evidence that Albo never tried to lower sentences for child rape. That's smoke and mirrors. Here are the facts: Delegate Albo tried to take a minor Class 6 felony, "Taking indecent liberties with a child," and make it cover the most violent sex crimes. The Albo bill literally added "sexual intercourse" and "sodomy" to the definition of "Indecent liberties." This would have made rape of a child age 0-17 punishable by a fine or probation, and nobody knows that better than a prosecutor like Mr. Fisher. Unbelievably, Albo tried this six weeks after we asked for his help making penalties for this same crime tougher!

PROTECT just finished a two-year battle in California, where we were up against extremist San Francisco Democrats who also wanted probation on the books for child rape, just like Albo. Sick of seeing sexual predators released to strike again? Well, nothing will change until politicians like Dave Albo are held accountable.

Grier Weeks

Executive Director

National Association to Protect Children (PROTECT)