Greg Scoma (R-44)

Greg Scoma (R-44)

AGE:: 45

FAMILY: Rodica, wife (m.2002); m.1980-div.1985, Nicole, daughter; Kyrah Jade,

grand-daughter, South Hill, VA.

CAMPAIGN MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 294, Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0294;

CAMPAIGN PHONE: 703-778-4036, fax 703-778-4038,



OCCUPATION: Senior Security Consultant



* MA, Business and Organizational Security Management, Business School, Webster

University, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC

* BA, International Affairs, Elliott School of International Affairs, The George

Washington University, Washington, DC

* CPP, Board Certified in Security Management, ASIS International, Alexandria,



Abraham Maslow stated that people have a hierarchy of needs that must be met in order to reach their full capability. After food and water, their safety and security needs must be met to allow growth as a person. And, so on up the hierarchy enabling that person to make the most of their capabilities. I have 35 years of experience serving communities caring, nurturing and protecting people, helping them reach their fullest potential. I intend to guide our area and its people to a safer, more enriching time ahead for all of us. My qualifications began in Cub Scouts and today I work to protect our nation’s people and our critical infrastructure.

o Boy Scouts

o Muscular Dystrophy, raising money for children

o Children’s hospitals, raising money

o High school and city-wide student government, and student representative on

board of education

o Kiwanis (Key Club)

o US Marine Corps over 10 years; two tours in Asia, squad leader in the infantry

and F4 "Phantom" jet computer radar weapons technician in the air wing; numerous

meritorious promotions and letters of appreciation. Honorable discharge.

o Orphans, spending time overseas with orphans

o Visiting the elderly in nursing homes

o Special police officer in Washington, DC for 5 years; employee of the quarter,

first recipient of the Police Chief’s Award. Created Police Bicycle Patrol

program in early 1990s.

o Hearts and Hammers, repairing homes for elderly poor who had to choose between

medicine, food and maintaining their home

o Emergency evacuation planning, policies, procedures and drilling (cutting-edge

before and happened to be drilling on 9/11/01) for a community of over 20,000

for 7 years

o Designing security and safety systems for buildings and people, working with

police, fire, architects and engineers.

o Homeland security, critical infrastructure protection, information assurance;

protecting our food, water, computer systems, energy, transportation…our way of


o Foggy Bottom Citizens Association and West End Citizens Association (board

member), Washington, DC

o Sulgrave Manor Citizens Association, Chair Public Safety Committee, VA

o Mount Vernon Council of Citizens Associations, Public Safety Committee

o Food and Friends, volunteering to prepare and deliver food to people with

illnesses like HIV/AIDS.

o Finally, my wife and I recently completed our graduate degrees, my daughter is

in college, and my grand-daughter is approaching kindergarten, so I am familiar

with issues involving education and our schools.

1. What is your top public service accomplishment?

My top public service accomplishment has been my unfailing dedication to public service since age 10, a total of 35 years. I feel that it is an accomplishment to have spent over three decades helping others without losing the motivation to serve. From raising money for children suffering from muscular dystrophy in my preteen years, to enlisting in the US Marine Corps in response to the Iranian Hostage Crisis, to my current position in homeland security, I have enjoyed providing a mosaic of public service to people from all walks of life. The insights and experiences I have gained have prepared me for obvious next step in public service, elected office.

2. What sets you apart from the other candidate(s) in the race?

My experience sets me apart. While my opponent has six years in Richmond, preceded by nearly a decade on the school board, I believe in Thomas Jefferson’s ideal of a citizen legislator. The ideal citizen legislator draws their most valuable experience from a diverse and varied life, not long term service in public office. I have been employed as a window repairman, bartender, Burger King cook, Gas station attendant, waiter, construction day laborer, avionics technician, security consultant, emergency evacuation planner, special police officer, truck driver, homeland security consultant, and US Marine. My broad range of experience far surpasses the insulated non-exposure of my opponent.

3. What is one thing you promise not to do if elected?

I promise not to raise the overall tax burden. With the soaring real estate taxes (an over 70% increase in five years), car tax, and the Democrats’ $1.4 Billion tax in increase, I don’t think it’s possible to raise taxes any more. I can’t speak for my opponent, who never saw a tax increase she didn’t like, but for me it’s not a hard promise to make. I’ve knocked on the doors of our most vulnerable neighbors, and have heard their concerns about being forced to makes choices between paying taxes and supporting their families. I feel it is our duty to do everything we can to lower the tax burden.

4. What is the biggest issue facing your district? What should be done to address it?

I’ve already addressed the issue of taxes. The myriad of transportation problems is equally pressing. The existing backups and delays are bad enough. We have to strategically plan times to go to work, take our kids to school, and go to the store. Then, factor in new development along route one, BRAC, which we know will bring 15-20,000 more cars each day, the lack of sidewalks on Route 1, and much more. It’s about time someone implemented common-sense solutions such as smart growth planning, adding sidewalks and center turn lanes, and extending rail to Fort Belvoir and beyond.

5. Is there any additional legislation in regard to abortion that you would support? Would you make any changes to the current laws and regulation about abortion in Virginia?

The United States Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade held that a women’s right to have an abortion is protected by the Constitution. Therefore, no legislation can be enacted which would put an undue burden on a woman’s ability to abort her baby. However, it is important that we have common-sense regulations. I support the current laws requiring parental consent, a 24-hour waiting period, and limits on public funding for abortion. I believe that every life is precious and would encourage all those considering an abortion to reflect on the possible consequences.

6. In Virginia, local governments have limited control of revenue and taxing authority. Should they have more? Less? What changes would you propose?

I recognize that local governments are more able to tailor revenue intake to specific needs than the state government. For that reason, I support an expansion of revenue and taxing authority to local governments, but only we balance the scales by reducing the commonwealth’s authority to tax. This expanded local power should be subject to statewide controls and restrictions that ensure fairness in the application of taxing authority to prevent the abuse of power.

7. In Northern Virginia, property taxes have increased dramatically in recent years. What role should the state play in this?

The soaring property taxes over the last five years is nothing short of a disgrace. This regressive tax hurts our most vulnerable neighbors, and the state should address the problem immediately. District 44 is especially hurt because our tax dollars end up in other parts of the state, including western Fairfax County. There are a number of different ways to solve the problem, including restricting payment of taxes to the purchase value of the house until resale. The turnover and amount of development in the county is enough to ensure a steady flow of tax revenue. This problem doesn’t require creative solutions, just a little common-sense.

8. What do you believe the role of the state should be in determining the status of same-sex couples in Virginia?

I believe strongly that marriage is an institution reserved for one man and one woman. The state should take reasonable steps to ensure that the sanctity of marriage is preserved. However, I recognize those in the gay community have concerns, for example, making critical medical decisions for their partner in a time of need. For this reason, I support some sort of civil union arrangement for the gay community. Enacting a civil union law is a compassionate common-sense compromise I believe all parties can live with.

9. What are your views about public-private partnerships and other mechanisms to privatize Virginia’s highway system? What are the caveats you would identify as we move forward with this process?

I support exploring public-private partnerships in any arena where it could be of benefit. By including the private sector in projects such as construction of highways, we add to what the government can do by itself. The success of the Dulles Toll Road is one example of how public-private partnerships can be of benefit to us all. One caveat I would place on these partnerships is government oversight during and after construction to ensure the quality and safety of the project.

10. Do you believe that illegal immigration is a problem in Virginia? If so, why, and what should be done?

I believe that legal immigrants are valuable to our society. In fact, my wife is a legal immigrant from Romania, a doctor in her country who worked to westernize Romania’s healthcare system after the fall of communism. My half-brother and some of my cousins are legal Hispanic/Latino immigrants. It is important to differentiate between legal immigrants, and illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants present major problems for our community. The influx of illegal immigrants has created untenable situations, conundrums like we’re facing in Herndon. What sort of message are we sending to legal immigrants (and to our children) who spend time and money following our laws, only to see illegal immigrants cut ahead and be rewarded with money and services? I believe that all levels of government (federal, state, county, local) should be involved in trying to encourage legal immigration from all parts of the world and to curtail illegal immigration. I earned a degree in international studies and traveled around the world, because I enjoy experiencing other people and cultures. I welcome more legal immigrants that are reflective of countries around the world, so we gain the full benefit that a diversity of cultures can offer.