B. Scott McPherson (L-37)

B. Scott McPherson (L-37)

AGE: 32

FAMILY: Married to Charlotte since January 27, 1995; two children: Meghan, age 7 and Lysander, age 4.

CAMPAIGN MAILING ADDRESS: Friends of McPherson, 2576 Nicky Lane, Alexandria, VA 22311

CAMPAIGN PHONE: 703.359.8988

E-MAIL: scott@scottmcpherson.org

WEBSITE: www.votemcpherson.org

OCCUPATION: Writer, "facilitator"

EMPLOYMENT: Policy Advisor for the Future of Freedom Foundation; home schooling my children.

EDUCATION: Graduated from Leesville High School, Leesville, LA, 1991

QUALIFICATIONS: I’m an intelligent, common sense-oriented person with a strong sense of justice and fair play; I’m loyal, self-educated and consistent.

1. What is your top public service accomplishment?

Home-schooling my children, taking responsibility for my own life and volunteering with the Fairfax Office of Historic Resources.

2. What sets you apart from the other candidate(s) in the race?

A belief that government exists solely to preserve the rights of citizens — not to be a tool for gaining unearned wealth and privileges at the expense of others. I reject categorically the myth of salvation through government spending, the promise of freedom removed from personal responsibility and the equating of individual liberty with greater and greater government control of our lives.

3. What is one thing you promise not to do if elected?

Succumb to the notion — practically an article of faith in our society — that government is better at running individuals’ lives than are those individuals themselves.

4. What is the biggest issue facing your district? What should be done to address it?

Education. Virginians deserve greater control over the education of their children. An education tax credit, along the lines of the "Put Parents in Charge" legislation being pushed by South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford (R), would be an excellent initial step in freeing people from the expensive, one-size-fits-all, unresponsive and failing system of government-run schools.

5. Is there any additional legislation in regard to abortion that you would support? Would you make any changes to the current laws and regulation about abortion in Virginia?

A: No.

6. In Virginia, local governments have limited control of revenue and taxing authority. Should they have more? Less? What changes would you propose?

In an environment where people are constantly looking to government to place a higher and higher tax burden on themselves and their fellows as the proposed "solution" to every perceived problem, I do not see how granting greater taxing power to local governments can have anything but a negative effect on the quality of life of most citizens in the Commonwealth.

7. In Northern Virginia, property taxes have increased dramatically in recent years. What role should the state play in this?

Reduce state government spending and lower the state tax burden.

8. What do you believe the role of the state should be in determining the status of same-sex couples in Virginia?

I do not believe that government has any legitimate role to play in defining marriage or family. Such matters should be left to consenting adults, who should solidify their relationships through legal contracts enforceable in Virginia’s courts of law.

9. What are your views about public-private partnerships and other mechanisms to privatize Virginia’s highway system? What are the caveats you would identify as we move forward with this process?

Public-private partnerships keep too much control of our transportation infrastructure in the hands of incompetent government officials. New York Governor George Pataki (R) has proposed privatization of roads, bridges, tunnels and byways. I think that sounds like good advice.

10. Do you believe that illegal immigration is a problem in Virginia? If so, why, and what should be done?
