Travilah Oak Celebration

Travilah Oak Celebration

Friends of the Travilah Oak figured it’s time to horse around. The fifth annual Travilah Oak Celebration honors the Potomac area’s oldest living inhabitant — the Travilah Oak, a great white oak estimated to be more than 250 years old — on Saturday, Oct. 15, 12-4 p.m. at the Potomac Oak Center (formerly the Glenvilah Shopping Center) at the intersection of Glen and Travilah roads in Potomac.

There is a horse theme to this year’s Travilah Oak Celebration. Activities include hay rides and pony rides, crowd control demonstrations by mounted National Park Police, and a horseback vaulting demonstration. Not to be forgotten amid the horse theme are the mules that used to pull the replica canal boat at Great Falls Tavern in C&O Canal National Historical Park. Damage to the hull of the Canal Clipper rendered the boat inoperable nearly three years ago, but an effort led by Friends of the Historic Great Falls Tavern has raised more than half of the $600,000 needed to replace the canal boat. The Travilah Oak Celebration will include raffle drawings to benefit the Canal Boat Project for Friends of the Historic Great Falls Tavern.

Other activities include scarecrow making, pumpkin decorating contest, dog obedience demo, food, refreshments, and music. Call 301-983-1857.