Getting to Know Joe

Getting to Know Joe

Burke resident Joe Jamaldinian is an IT consultant by day and children's book author by night. He has been in the area for over a decade, and he is this week's People Profile.

Number of years in the community:

I've lived in the Fairfax area for 12 years. I'm currently living in Burke, and have been for about two years.


I'm single.


I have a bachelor of science degree in Computer Science from George Mason University.

Current job:

I'm an Information Technology (IT) consultant at Booz Allen Hamilton. I'm also a free-lance artist and children's book author.


I self-published my first children's book called "Bob Winging It." The book is about a penguin named Bob who doesn't like the cold weather and attempts to fly to warm places. The message of the book is to follow your heart and dream the impossible. You can preview the book, play games and more at


I love art — it's my true passion in life. I mainly do oil paintings and my style is surrealism. I also love sports (soccer, football, rock climbing, skydiving, etc.)

Favorite local restaurant:

Family Restaurant on Nutley Street in the Pan Am Shopping Center.

Community concerns:

No major concerns. I love the community I live in. The best way to improve the community is to be open and stay connected. Talk with your neighbors and help out whenever you can.

What brought you to the area?

My family lives in the Fairfax area and I wanted to stay close to my parents and family members.

Community hidden treasure:

The people. You would be surprised how interesting are the lives of people living in your community. Everyone has a great story to tell if you just take the time and listen.

Personal goals:

Teach kids creativity through art and children books. Teach them to follow their heart and pursue their passions in life. To also teach children about the world, about different countries and cultures.

Do you know someone who should be featured in the Connection's People Profile? Send your nominations to Jon Whiten at or call 703-917-6422.