School Notes

School Notes

Student Journalists from 20 local high schools have been recognized for their work in magazines, newspapers, newsmagazines and yearbooks by the Virginia High School League. The VHSL recognized the following:


* Trophy Class — Westfield High School, "Calliope";

* First Place — Chantilly High School, "Andromeda";


* First Place — Robinson Secondary School, "Valor Dictus";


* Trophy Class — Chantilly High School, "The Purple Tide" and Westfield High School, "The Watchdog";


* Chantilly High School — "Odyssey" and Westfield High School "The Guardian."

News from Clifton Elementary:

* Vision and hearing screening will be held in the school clinic on Thursday, Nov. 10 for all Kindergarteners, third-graders and all new students to the county.

* PTA Meeting, Monday, Nov. 14 at 7 p.m. Special guest, RV Yoshida, special education teacher, will update on activities being implemented in the school.

* Thanksgiving Feast, Thursday, Nov. 17 for first through sixth-graders and their families. The cost will be $2.75 for non-students and tickets for lunches will be pre-sold and available for pick-up in the lobby. Volunteers are needed for set-up after school on Wednesday, Nov. 16, and during the event on Nov. 17.

Westfield High School presents "Our Town" Friday-Saturday, Nov. 11-12, at 8 p.m., and Sunday, Nov. 13, at 2 p.m. at Westfield High. Tickets are $10; call 703-488-6439 or order online at

The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Foundation has awarded Rose Antwi of Centreville a $2,000 scholarship toward her studies at the Northern Virginia Community College's Medical Education Campus (MEC), located in Springfield. The scholarship rewards a student who has, among other criteria, maintained a 3.0 GPA. Antwi is entering her second year at the MEC and is a nursing major.

Hypnotist Jimi Gibson is bringing the acclaimed "Hypnosis, The Show" to Fairfax High School Auditorium on Sunday, Nov. 13 at 7 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Fairfax High School All-Night Grad Party Committee. Through his original blend of hypnotic demonstrations and side-splitting comedy, Gibson creates a must-see outrageous event. Tickets are $8 at the door or can be purchased prior to the show at Fairfax High School on Nov. 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 and 11 between 10:20 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Tickets purchased at Fairfax High School are $6.

Centreville High will present "Noises Off," a popular play-within-a-play by Tony Award winner M. Frayn. Showtimes are Thursday, Nov. 17 and Friday Nov. 18 at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, Nov. 19 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $7.

Robinson Secondary School's Theatre Department will present the comedy "Dick Barton, Special Agent: Episode IV: The Flight of the Phoenix" for three performances on Nov. 17, 18 and 19. All performances start at 7:30 p.m. and will be staged in the Russell Theatre on the Robinson Secondary School campus, 5035 Sideburn Road, Fairfax.

Special agent Dick Barton was the star of the BBC's first daily radio serial and appeared in 711 episodes between 1946 and 1951.

Tickets are $8 presale and $10 online and at the door. Go to or phone 703-426-2123.

Deer Park Elementary sponsors "Save Your Coupons Drive" for overseas military members and their families. Drop off your clipped, unused and/or expired coupons in the Deer Park school lobby drop box between now and Nov. 21. (Overseas military members may use coupons up to six months beyond their expiration dates.)

The Centreville High Wildcat Band Citrus Sale runs now through Nov. 21. Band students will take orders for fresh Florida navel oranges and pink grapefruit. Oranges are priced at $30/case or $19/half case; grapefruit are priced at $28/case or $17/half case. To place an order, call the Band Office at 703-802-5510. Call-in orders will be available for pick up at Centreville High School's Band room on Friday, Dec. 2, from 3-7 p.m. Or order directly from a band student and have your fruit delivered to your home that weekend. All proceeds from the citrus sale directly benefit the Centreville Band students.

Poplar Tree Elementary School will be holding its Second Annual Craft Fair on Saturday, Dec. 3. It will be held in the cafeteria from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafters are welcome. Crafters interested in participating can contact Kathy Richter at or Tasha Virostek at

Chantilly High School is offering caroling groups to entertain at local holiday parties as a fund-raiser. Small groups of eight carolers from the Touch of Class show choir and Jazz Touch choir will be available to perform at your place of business or private party this holiday season. Instead of a set fee, donations are given to the Chantilly Music Boosters. These funds are used to offset travel expenses to national competitions for students this spring. To schedule a group to perform at your party, please e-mail Carol Hrubik at or call 703-222-1270.

The Art Department at Westfield High School is once again selling White House ornaments. The cost is $17 each. They are in stock now and ornaments can be set aside by calling 703-488-6577 to place an order.

Pleasant Valley Preschool is currently enrolling for its class for 4-year-olds. The co-operative preschool is located in the Greenbriar Community Center on Stringfellow Road. Call 703-378-6911 or visit

Liberty Middle School is looking for caring adults who can spare 30 minutes a day working with students. Tutoring takes place either any time between 11:15 a.m. and 1:15 p.m. on school days, or after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. Boys and girls need help with organizational skills, homework, or any one or all of the core subjects. Students will be matched with adults, depending on strengths and availability. TB test required. Contact Mrs. MacLean at 703-988-8191 or

The Brookfield Elementary School and Center Parent Teacher Association is conducting its annual fall fund-raiser. Gifts and wrapping paper are available through catalogue and online sales. To order online, go to On check out, enter the school “Brookfield Elementary.” Or, to order via catalogue, contact Dawne LeKang, 703-263-9099, or Profits are used to enhance curriculum studies including support for field trips, assemblies, classroom libraries/equipment, teacher development/training, after hours educational programs and to support the operations of the PTA.

Mountain View School in Centreville is planning a 10-year reunion/celebration. The school, located on Spindle Court, first opened its doors as FCPS’s third adult/alternative high school in January 1996 and graduated its first class in June 1996. Since that time, more than 1,000 students have graduated from Mountain View.

A committee comprised of staff and graduates has begun meeting to plan events. In the works are small monthly commemorations followed by a “family reunion” picnic event in June 2006.

The Reunion Committee is looking for contact information on all alumni and former staff. Any alumni, former staff member or person with contact information for either should e-mail or call Sharon DeBragga at the school at 703-227-2388.

South Lakes Class of 1985 is looking for classmates for its 20-year reunion in October 2005. Visit or contact Melanie Kirsch Colston at 703-476-0579.

Centreville Preschool Inc. (CPI) currently has openings in their 4-year-old program from the 2005-2006 school year. CPI is a nonprofit, cooperative preschool established in 1969 by a group of parents wishing to provide the best possible preschool experience for their children. Call the school at 703-830-5656 and leave a message after hours. The school is located at 13916 Braddock Road, Centreville.