Parker Ramsdell of Oakton was recognized as a Distinguished College Scholar at the University of Texas at the Austin Honors Day Program. To qualify, students must have an in-residence university grade point average of at least 3.80 with a minimum of 60 semester hours of college course work. Ramsdell, a sophomore majoring in political science and in economics, is the son of Larry and Cindy Ramsdell of Oakton. He is also a 2003 graduate and valedictorian of Madison High School.
Mark C. Gentry was recently named to the dean's list for the fall 2004 semester at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Gentry, a 2004 graduate of Marshall High School, is the son of Penelope and Michael Gentry.
Amal Lugman was recently named to "2005 Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Lugman, of Vienna, is a student at Marymount University.