Gallery Presents Student Exhibit

Gallery Presents Student Exhibit

The Reston Community Center Lake Anne hosted a reception Sunday, March 6, for an exhibition of works of art created by Reston's elementary-schools' students. The exhibition celebrates Youth Art Month, an annual observance since 1961. It emphasizes the value of art education and encourages support for quality school art programs.

"It [the exhibition] highlights the kids and their talent," said Cheri Danaher, the arts education director at RCC. She said hearing the children say, "That's my work," as they show it to their parents is a gratifying experience. Cameron Lawless, a first-grade student at Buzz Aldrin, and daughter of a local artist, Mary Beth Swicord, said it felt really good to have her work displayed in the gallery. Parents at the reception were all smiles, too. Jackie and Dan Mathews, parents of Kelly, a second-grader at Buzz Aldrin, said they were extremely proud of her.

Those who attended the reception were treated to a performance by the Lake Anne Ringers, a musical group from Lake Anne Elementary School. Their teacher, Julie Derges, said the Ringers practice twice a week before school starts. "They are very dedicated," she said. The exhibition is scheduled to run until April 3.