Son in Court on Murder of Mother

Son in Court on Murder of Mother

Kiran V. Kadian suffered 23 slash and stab wounds to her neck and seven additional cuts to other parts of her body, according to Commonwealth's Attorney Robert F. Horan Jr.

Her son, Jayant Kadian, 20, is charged with her murder, which took place in their kitchen, on the 10000 block of Thompson Ridge Court in Great Falls on March 24.

"This case is an absolutely classic first-degree murder case," Horan said, during Kadian's preliminary hearing in Fairfax County Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court on Tuesday, June 14. "The defendant made statements consistent with the crime scene."

After hearing evidence presented by detectives David Allen and Brian Takagi of the Fairfax County Police Department, Judge Charles J. Maxfield certified Kadian's case for the Circuit Court grand jury later this month.

KADIAN'S MOTHER, 52, was preparing food for her son when she was murdered, according to testimony from Allen, a homicide detective. When Allen arrived at the Kadian's house, an untouched plate of food remained on the kitchen counter above her body which was surrounded by a pool of dried blood.

Problems escalated when Jayant Kadian was arrested for possession of marijuana the Monday before the murder, Allen testified that Kadian told him.

"He had gotten up, he had been depressed and had been having trouble with his mother for a long time," Allen testified. "She wanted to take him to a psychiatrist."

Kadian thought the purpose of meeting with a psychiatrist was to place him in a 28-day inpatient treatment center, according to Allen, who said Kadian didn't want to go.

Kadian and his mother were supposed to meet Kadian's father at the clinician's office at 3 p.m. But when neither his wife nor his son showed up for the appointment or answered their cell phones, Dr. Rajesh Kadian went home to discover his wife dead on the kitchen floor.

Fairfax County police responded to his phone call around 4:20 p.m., on March 24.

According to court documents, Dr. Kadian told 911 dispatchers that he believed his son might be responsible for the murder, and that Jayant Kadian was suicidal, had psychotic tendencies and suffers from depression. "Jayant has also shown violent tendencies in the past and has threatened his mother and father with violence," according to court records.

JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY police found Kadian, a former student there, in his car on the top floor of an university parking garage the next day.

When Allen arrived in Harrisonburg, he asked Kadian if he knew why he was there.

"Yeah, because I stabbed my mother in the neck," Allen said Kadian told him.

Kadian agreed to speak with police, according to Allen, but asked if he could refuse to answer certain questions.

Allen testified that after the murder, Kadian washed the knife, placed it on the dining room table and went upstairs to get $4, shoes and socks and to put a Band-Aid on two cuts he suffered during the stabbing. He set the alarm to the house and drove to the Great Falls Shopping Center, where he parked behind the CVS Pharmacy, according to Allen.

Later he drove back by the house and saw the police cars and "decided he wasn't ready to be caught and drove to James Madison," Allen said.

During cross-examination, defense attorney Peter Greenspun asked if Kadian expressed remorse.

"He said he was definitely sorry for what had happened," Allen said.