Lindsay Reigel, a senior at Stone Bridge High School, has been named a National Merit Scholarship finalist.
This marks the 50th year for the National Merit Scholarship, which honors 55,000 high school students annually, with 10,500 of them receiving $50 million in scholarships for undergraduate college study. More than 1.3 million students compete for this honor each year.
Reigel is one of six National Merit Scholarship finalists in Loudoun County Public Schools. The others are Matthew Greeson and Sophia Gayek of Loudoun County High School. Zach Curtis of Loudoun Valley High School, Brett Roberts of Potomac Falls High School and Katherine Schmidt of Stone Bridge High School. In addition, seven Loudoun students who attend Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology -- Jennifer Basel, Lucas Brown, Martha Brucato, Matthew Fifer, Kristin Hawkins, Curtis Kobelski and Samuel Schlesinger -- have attained this honor.
"I like learning ... it's a lot of fun to do well. I've learned to appreciate all aspects of my education," Reigel said.
In addition to outstanding grades and test scores, Reigel's pursuit of excellence is evident in her extracurricular life. She is co-chair of the Stone Bridge Choir, a voice student, president of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), for which she directed a poster contest for Tobacco Awareness Week. She's a member of the National Spanish and music honor societies and competed on the "It's Academic" and forensic debate teams.
HER FUTURE STUDY will begin at the University of Virginia next year, with a planned major in political science and international studies. She's had an opportunity to visit the United Nations Security Council and examine its impact upon the needs of people around the world. Understanding the international politics that often hamper the U.N.'s efforts, Reigel believes a career in international relations will enable her to make a difference in moving toward solving some of our international concerns.
Reigel credits Stone Bridge High School with providing the technology and resources necessary to achieve, and teachers who have enabled and encouraged her enthusiasm for her education.
Reigel's advice for students aspiring to her level of achievement, "Don't be afraid to ask questions. Be confident about what you can do and always try new things. Many of the clubs I am involved with, I have an attachment to -- but some I joined just because I wanted to try out new things. Involvement broadens horizons and leadership possibilities."
Selection criteria for National Merit finalists include their academic record, information about their school's curriculum and grading system, two sets of test scores, a school recommendation, information about the studentÕs activities, indications of leadership and a written essay.