Faith Notes

Faith Notes

An introductory meeting for a study circle of Voluntary Simplicity will be held on Feb. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sterling, 22135 Davis Dr. in Sterling off Church Rd. near the bike path. Sponsored by the EcoStewards Alliance and using material compiled by North West Earth Institute, the study circle group will meet for eight sessions, with time and day of subsequent sessions determined at the first meeting. Some of the topics are: “Living More With Less”, “How Much is Enough” and “Swimming Against the Tide”. A $20 fee will include the cost of the textbook. To sign up call the church at 703-406-3068.

Enjoy the sounds of “Mosaic Harmony” in concert on Sunday, Feb. 28 at 4 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sterling, 22135 Davis Dr. in Sterling. Tickets are $15 per adult, $10 for seniors and students, and free for age 11 and under and may be purchased at the door.  Sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Sterling, this concert will benefit the music program there. UUS meets on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. For more information visit: or call 703-406-3068.

On Sunday, Jan. 11 Lewis Dayton Patrick Reynolds was ordained into the Sacred Order of Priests and Daniel Adam Edmund Reynolds was ordained into the Sacred Order of Deacons at the Cathedral Church of The Transfiguration, Potomac Falls. The presiding Bishop and Celebrant was The Most Reverend Randolph Whitcomb Sly, Archbishop of the Eastern Province of the International Communion of the Charismatic Episcopal Church (CEC).

Saint Matthew's Episcopal Church will offer a five-week teaching and discussion series on Wednesday evenings during Lent from March 3 through March 31.  The series this year will be built around John R.W. Stott's excellent small book, Basic Christianity.  Participants will have an opportunity to explore and discuss such issues as . . .

* Who is Jesus?

* What about sin?

* Why did Jesus die and what does that have to do with us?

* What does it mean to be a Christian?

Each session will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a simple "souper supper" in the Parish Hall.  The program starts at 7:15 with a short overview session followed by small group discussion, and concludes with Compline (prayer service) by 8:30. There are a limited number of the books to fit the expected size of the group so sign up soon to get a copy of the book in advance. Sign up by emailing the church office at

or by phoning 703-430-2121.  There will be a nominal charge for the book and voluntary contributions for the suppers. 201 East Frederick Drive, Sterling.

The Unitarian Universalists of Sterling (UUS) meet at 10:30 on Sunday mornings at the Sterling Oaks Commerce Center located on 21355 Davis Drive near Route 28 and Church Road. For more info visit or call 703-406-3068. The Feb. 15 service is called "Coming Together" and focuses on how Unitarian Universalists come together in voluntary association, and what that means for the nature of their faith. Charter members will share memories of how they came together for the first ever UUS worship service 10 years ago this week.

On Feb. 22 special guest speaker the Rev. Betty Jo Middleton, a part-time consulting minister at the UU Church of Loudoun in Leesburg, will reflect on the importance of faith development programs in congregational life. Her sermon is called "Conversations, Questions, and a Sense of Wonder".

"It is All Here" is the title of the UUS service on Feb. 29.

Consignors and volunteers needed for consignment sale. Items such as children's clothing, games, toys, baby equipment and furniture, etc. and maternity clothes can be consigned. The sale is Saturday, March 13 at the Knights of Columbus Barn, 401 West Holly Avenue in Sterling. Consignors receive 50 percent of the sale price for their consigned items. Volunteers receive 70 percent of their sale price for their consigned items and shop a special pre-sale. For information, call Laura Dumouchelle at 703-724-3997 or visit Proceeds benefit Catholic vocations.