School Notes

School Notes

Westfield High School's All-Night Grad Party Committee will be selling high-quality double shredded mulch to support the ANGP, a drug- and alcohol-free celebration after graduation. Orders are now being taken with delivery on Saturday, March 20. The price per 3 cubic foot bag is $3.98. Free home delivery within WHS boundaries is provided with the purchase of 15 bags or more. If you purchase less, you can pick up the mulch on that date in the school parking lot. To place an order, send your name, address and phone number and a check made out to ANGP to ANGP Mulch Sales, Westfield High School, 4700 Stonecroft Blvd., Chantilly, VA 20151. Parent and student volunteers are also needed that day to load the trucks, drive the trucks, deliver the mulch and provide food. Students can earn community service hours. If you can help and/or if you need further information, call Barb Brunner at 703-968-2469 or LuLynn Ahern at 703-830-4291.

Adolescent Suicide Awareness and Prevention is a free program being offered on Thursday, Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. at Stone Middle School. Presented by Kate Wilson, Stone Middle School guidance counselor, and Amy Parmentier, school social worker, this program will provide parents with information about adolescent depression, statistical data and warning signs regarding suicide, and how to respond to these issues and concerns.

Information about community resources and supports will also be provided. Although suicide may seem to be an abstract problem that occurs only in other places or in other age groups, it impacts greatly upon middle school students, and is a significant public health issue.

This program is funded by the Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities Act and cosponsored by the Westfield Community Coalition. Contact Amy Parmentier at 703-631-5543.

The Westfield High School Guitar Program is sponsoring an Intimate Evening of Guitar Music on Friday, Feb. 6 at 7:30 p.m., featuring the renowned classical guitarist Gray Snead, solo performances by Westfield's Guitar 3 class and The Bulldog Guitar Ensemble. On-stage seating is limited so reservations are a must. Tickets are $7 per person; for reservations contact Mr. Viega at 703-488-6363, x7167 or Penny Douskalis, Pres. Guitar Boosters at 703-798-1088 by Feb. 2.

Brookfield Elementary School PTA will hold its Bright Ideas night titled "Hogwarts School of Magic," on Friday, Feb. 6. This free event will feature a Mad Science Show, lots of fun crafts and science experiments (The Muggle Muddles, Potions, Qudditch Challenge, Levitation, Hogwarts Castle Art Table). Bright Ideas night will also feature a book fair featuring Usborne books. Pizza, soda, popcorn and other goodies will be on sale starting at 6 p.m. Call 703-814-8700.

Clifton Children's Academy will be holding a registration open house for kindergarten and morning and afternoon preschool classes on Sunday, Feb. 8, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This is for registration for Fall 2004. There will also be limited registration available for Winter - 2004. The school is located on Compton Road in Centreville. Call 703-968-8455 or visit

NVTA, a non-profit organization of community theaters in the metropolitan area, announces its 8th annual scholarships for high school seniors interested in performance or technical theater. A $1,000 performance scholarship in drama or musical theater will be awarded as well as a $1,000 technical scholarship in either set design, costuming, lighting, or makeup/hair design. The application deadline is Feb. 9, 2004. For an application or more information, call Anne Ridgway at 703-330-2787 ext. 13.

<lst>The Volunteer Learning Program is looking for volunteer tutors to work one-on-one with adult learners who are working on the GED, high school diploma, or attempting to improve reading, writing or math skills. Tutors are needed for both day and evening tutoring one-on-one in the public libraries or in small classroom settings. A training session is scheduled for Saturday, Feb. 21, from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in Fairfax City. Fairfax County Public Schools, the Fairfax County Juvenile Court, and the Fairfax County Public Library System sponsor the Volunteer Learning Program. To register for the workshop or for more information, call the Volunteer Learning Program at 703-246-2139 or write to us at

Fairfax County Public Schools has established a new, toll-free telephone hot line for emergency messages, with information available in three languages. The new number allows more people to use the hot line at the same time, reducing delays and busy signals during peak use times.

The new number, 1-800-839-FCPS (3277), is effective immediately and is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Fairfax County Public Schools will be open on Monday, Feb. 16, a makeup day for schools following traditional and modified school calendars; offices will also be open. Elementary schools will follow their regular Monday schedules, and School-Age Child Care (SACC) programs will also operate on a regular schedule. Feb. 16 had originally been designated as a holiday for all students and employees in honor of Washington’s birthday.

Because the school system used its fourth snow day on Feb. 3, students must make up this day.

Students from Greenbriar West and Brookfield Elementary schools will experience the struggles, drama and adventure of America's colonial beginnings through hands-on classroom activities presented this month by the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation. The programs are part of the Foundation's statewide educational outreach effort, which aims to make learning about the founding of Virginia and the creation of the U.S. fun and exciting for youngsters through demonstrations and student participation. Students are able to witness history come alive in their classroom, as well as gain essential knowledge outlined by the Virginia Standards of Learning.

Cluster VII, of the Fairfax County Public Schools, is hosting its annual Community Meeting on Wednesday, March 3, at 7 p.m., at Colin Powell Elementary School, 13340 Leland Road, Centreville. The invitation for this meeting is extended to include parents of students as well as community members of the Centreville, Chantilly, and Fairfax pyramid schools.

This is an opportunity to meet with the Providence, Springfield and Sully District School Board members as well as At-Large members of the FCPS School Board. At this meeting, the FY2005 proposed budget will be discussed as well as updates on the Superintendent search.

Saint Timothy School in Chantilly has a few more openings for its Spring Craft Fair scheduled for Saturday, March 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Kelly Schmank at 703-222-3823 or Karen Yee at 703-803-0460.

"The Teen Species — Up Close and Personal," a half-day program for parents, will be presented Saturday, March 27, at Westfield High. Registration begins at 8:30 a.m., and preliminary topics to be covered include: Internet Safety, Eating Disorders, Issues with Nutritional Supplements and Common Medications, Risky Sexual Behavior, Teens and Finances, and Parenting the Adolescent.

This workshop is a partnership between the Westfield Community Coalition and Westfield High's PTSA and is for adults only. The goal is to increase parent awareness of teen issues and help prevent difficulties.

Call Nancy Bennett at 703-266-2370 or Edie Walker at 703-229-0603.

<lst>The Children's Friendship Project for Northern Ireland is seeking local families to help further the peace and reconciliation effort. Consider hosting a pair of Protestant and Roman Catholic teens (boys or girls ages 15 to 18) in your home for four weeks this summer. To be eligible, families must provide a safe, neutral setting for the teens to get to know one another, a single bedroom for them to share, and day-long supervision.

During their stay the teens attend a leadership conference on Capital Hill and other team-building and social activities, although the majority of their time is spent getting to know each other and joining in the host family's normal routine. For more information or to obtain a host family application, contact Jenny Mullen at 703-450-4479 or The Web site is

More than $80 billion worth of financial aid will be awarded to college students over this next year, but timing is critical. The bulk of scholarship money will be awarded over the next five months for the 2004-2005 school year. Currently there are over 650,000 independent and private scholarship and grant sources available to students, some of which pay 100 percent of a student's tuition. More than 80 percent of these scholarships do not depend on family need or exceptional grades but are awarded based on factors such as a student's interests, hobbies, academic focus, age, heritage, religion or parent's work or military experience. For information on how to receive scholarship money, send a double stamped #10 sized business envelope plus $2 to cover handling to NAFA, 188 Summer Street, Scholarship Dept. E04, Portsmouth, NH 03801.

Congratulations to the following students who qualified for induction into the Spring 2003 National Honor Roll. The National Honor Roll recognizes high-achieving middle and high school students. To qualify, students must be in high school or middle school, they must have a GPA of B or better and involvement in extracurricular activities is a plus.

* Salah Amjad of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Matthew Aviles of Chantilly, Thomas Jefferson High School;

* Andrea Balarezo of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Bhavna Bhatia of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Alec Black of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Mi Chang of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Grace Chung of Chantilly, Thomas Jefferson High School;

* Christopher Davids of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Jackie Doll of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Stephanie Epp of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Deanna Fernandez of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Judy Garcia of Centreville, Chantilly High School;

* Ashlie Grainer of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Stephanie Gupana of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Franz Herrera Cortez of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Reshmaan Hussam of Centreville, Thomas Jefferson High School;

* Sara Hwang of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Philip Johnson of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Anna Juan of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Ji hae Jung of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Min jin Jung of Centreville, Robinson Secondary School;

* Ayoung Lee of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Galo Leon of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Carlyn Luu of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Micheal Maravas of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Whitney Marley of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Lisa Marrone of Centreville, Thomas Jefferson High School;

* Priyansh Mathur of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Jessica McClelland of Centreville, Westfield High School;

* Nichole O'Neil of Chantilly, Westfield High School;

* Christina Phan of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Carlisha Powell of Centreville, Centreville High School;

* Dan Sforza of Chantilly, Westfield High School;

* Rushabh Shah of Chantilly, Chantilly High School;

* Laura Spataro of Chantilly, Paul VI High School;

* Christine Tran of Chantilly, Thomas Jefferson High School;

* Lisa Wells of Centreville, Westfield High School.

The following students enrolled at Virginia Tech were named to the Dean’s List for the Fall 2003 semester.


* Amir Abu-Akeel

* Jennifer Allison

* Kathryn Anderson

* Alysa Aten

* Andrea Aten

* Colleen Baker

* Benjamin Baldwin

* Katie Ballowe

* Gaurav Bhatia

* Brent Biondo

* Aaron Bouk,

* Andrew Brown

* Courtney Bullock

* Nicholas Burgoyne

* Dalmir Buttar

* Serena Carter

* Jeffrey Carter

* Tracy Cowan

* Ronald Cress

* Erin Crosby

* Jay Dalal

* Phuong Dang

* Megan Darling

* Mary Dennie

* Katherine Dufresne

* Philip Dufresn

* Lauren Ellis

* Brian Evans

* Jessica Gonyaw

* Mary Hatcher

* Addie Haughey

* Richelle Heredia

* Mark Howell

* Matthew Jeletic

* Kathleen Jones

* Paul Jung

* Brian Kalb

* Shaghayegh Kaymanesh

* Kaamil Khan

* Byung Kim

* Min-Su Kim

* Sae Kim

* Richard Knecht

* Ahra Ko

* Susan Kopel

* Kathryn Koren

* Huy Lam

* Lap Lam

* Kimberly Lehman

* Thomas Lodge

* George Mao

* Carrie McElveen

* Jason Mosley

* Gary Myers

* David Newport

* Jennifer Nolen

* Mari Oh

* Manuel Ojeda

* Sura Rajput

* Marian Reed

* Rebecca Reynolds

* Christina Rhee

* Souheil Samaha

* Kelley Schott

* Senna Shin

* Rebecca Simpson

* Erica Sok

* Kylie Strassburg

* Melvin Su

* Stephanie Sullivan

* Mong Tsai

* Brian Utterback

* Dylan Wedan

* Lauren Williamson

* Arsy Van

* Jin Youn


* Barrett Airaghi

* Olusola Ayeni-Biu

* Andrew Carlton

* John Casterline

* Katie Connolly

* Mary Cook

* Kristin Cooper

* Lindsay Cooper

* Ariana D'Amico

* Jon DuPont

* Andrea Falletti

* Michelle Falletti

* Adam Flores

* Francis Gregory

* Brian Haynes

* Krystina Jones

* Joseph Kantor

* Soo Kim

* Caitlin Kovzelove

* Keely Larson

* Danielle Lawson

* Joseph Lebo

* Ryan Luu

* Tuan Nguyen

* Nichole O'Neil

* Sara Saleeb

* Anshul Saxena

* Amrit Singh

* Diane Taing



* Theresa Backhus

* Stephen Bonds

* Krystyna Borkowski

* Jocelyn Brewster

* Scott Broaddus

* Emily Buckham

* Kerri Claussen

* Erin Danielson

* Erica Davis

* Kathleen Dolan

* Katherine Doyle

* Stephanie Edwards

* Bradley Foltz

* Thomas Furcron

* Brian Gehring

* Rachel Goldman

* Elige Grant

* Brian Heisler

* Shaun Kennedy

* Brian Kirby

* Deborah Linn

* Donald Linn

* Nisansa Liyanage

* Kalena Maxted

* Sarah McCormick

* Matthew Moskitis

* Michelle Mosteiro

* Theodore Nguyen-Cao

* Colin Reagle

* Daniela Rojas

* Leslie Shimer

* Elizabeth Snabel

* Jeffrey Turner

* Francis Virtudes

The following local students have been named to the honor rolls at Randolph-Macon Academy for the second quarter:

* Walker Moore of Centreville, 7th grade;

* Wyatt Chandler of Centreville, 9th grade;

* Evan Herr of Clifton, 11th grade;

* Nathaniel Eldridge of Clifton, 11th grade.

The following students enrolled at Syracuse University were named to the Dean's List for the Fall 2003 semester. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must achieve at least a 3.4 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) during the semester.

* Stephanie Goldstein of Clifton is a sophomore majoring in international relations.

* Seth Lindberg of Oak Hill is a sophomore majoring in political science.

* Suemin Yoo of Annandale is a freshman majoring in arts and sciences.