What is the biggest difference you foresee between this year and last year?
“We’ve shifted some administrative responsibilities around that I think will make a difference,” said Goodwin, who enters his first year as Whitman’s principal. He emphasized how the school’s administration includes newcomers to the school community, such as first-year Assistant Principal Jennifer Baker, himself and Assistant Principal Ben OuYang, who worked for several years in different positions at Whitman, to Assistant Principal Kathlyn Carroll, who has been at Whitman for many years.
What is a challenge that Whitman faces as a school?
“My challenge, I feel, is to maintain the solid academic and extracurricular activities the school has… to slowly implement what I think will be helpful change. … My challenge is to continue what’s happened, but also enhance it.”
Is there anything you wish parents would do more?
“Sometimes as children get older, parents drop off their involvement with kids’ activities and education. … I would encourage parents to maintain their involvement in their children’s education as much as possible.”
Is there anything you wish parents would do less?
“Not to be overly hard on their children without seeking counsel… either from private counsel or and educational counselor.”
What is your favorite thing about Whitman?
“It’s a pleasure to work in Montgomery County schools, because Montgomery County citizens support their schools to such a high degree. … The [Whitman] community is especially supportive and passionate.”
7100 Whittier Boulevard
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: 301-320-6600
Grades: 9-12
Principal: Alan Goodwin
PTA Presidents: Kathie Weinberg, Ann Sablosky
Racial/Ethnic Composition
African American: 3.4%
American Indian: 0.2%
Asian: 13.0%
Hispanic: 5.3%
White: 78.1%
Special Programs:
Emotional Disabilities
Learning and Academic Disabilities
Career Development for Business Management and Finance,
Human and Consumer Services, Hospitality and Tourism,
and Education, Training, and Child Studies
Receiving Spec. Ed.: 8.4 %
ESOL: 5.1 %
FARMS: 1.9 %
Student/Instructional Staff Ratio: 12.7
Average Class Size (English): 25.4
Average Class Size (Other): 26.4
Projected Enrollment/Capacity: 1,885/1,910