Straight A's

Straight A's

To the Editor:

In dollars per student Fairfax County spends:

A. Less than many nearby counties and cities, or

B. More than the others in the region.

In its racial and ethnic composition, Fairfax County schools:

A. Have become very diverse with minority students close to half the total, or

B. Are mostly white with less than 20 percent minority.

In native language of Fairfax County students:

A. About one-fourth of students did not have English as their first language, or

B. Less than 5 percent learned English as a second language.

As minority and other language students increased, Fairfax County test scores:

A. Increased, or

B. Decreased.

When Fairfax County began a program to help poor-performing elementary schools:

A. Test scores increased substantially, or

B. There was no change in test scores.

To help keep Fairfax County schools moving forward, the voters should elect to the School Board:

A. Janet Oleszek.

The correct answers are straight A’s, of course!

Kathy Kalland

Fairfax Station