Crime Log

Crime Log

<lst>The following incidents were reported to the Franconia Station of the Fairfax County Police Department.


<cal2>Amelia Street 5800 block — License plate taken from parked vehicle.

Apache Street 6200 block — Bicycle reported stolen.

Axton Street 7400 block — Surfboard and skateboard reported stolen from a residence.

Brookfield Plaza 7000 block — Money reported stolen from a business.

Brookland Road 5500 block — Moped reported stolen.

Burdon Court 6000 block — Suitcases taken from a vehicle.

Duddington Drive and Helmsdale Lane — Stereo and clothing taken from a vehicle.

Edsall Road 6400 block — Gasoline taken from service station without payment being made.

Edsall Road 6500 block — Gasoline taken from service station without payment being made.

Franconia Road 5500 block — Theft of gas from a business.

Franconia Road 6100 block — Gasoline taken from service station without payment being made.

Franconia Road 6500 block — Cellular telephone reported stolen.

General Washington Drive 5600 block — Wallet reported stolen.

Glen Allen Street 5500 block — A bicycle reported missing from a residence.

Gresham Street 7400 block — Wallet reported stolen.

Hill Park Drive 6800 block — Carburetor taken from parked vehicle.

Jayhawk Street 7100 block — Stereo taken from parked vehicle.

Lorton Road 8000 block — Gasoline taken from service station without payment being made.

Old Keene Mill Road 7000 block — Gasoline taken from service station without payment being made.

Silver Lake Boulevard 7100 block — Spoiler taken from parked vehicle.

Springfield Mall 6500 block — License plate taken from parked vehicle.

Telegraph Road 6900 block — Beer taken from business.


<cal2>Essex Avenue 6900 block — 1995 Honda Civic reported stolen.

Springfield Mall 6500 block — 1992 Toyota Corolla reported stolen.