The F/X Players of Fairfax High School is celebrating high school cooperation this year. "Guys and Dolls" will open on April 3 after losing three weeks of the production schedule to snow and other interruptions. All this lost time has left them scrambling to get all the diverse elements ready in time.
In this production are some clear examples of inter school cooperation. When F/X Players had a severe set problem, Herndon High School's Theatre Department stepped in and loaned parts of their set from last year. When the costume supplier came up short on costumes, Fairfax High turned to the Annandale and Herndon High School Theatre Departments and they helped make sure that no actors would be short of costumes.
This production features the work of music director Gary Fitzgerald and choreography by Tony Wortham. Along with director, Bob Smith, they have created an lively showing of a classic Broadway musical.