It's a scenic run through a historic town and it benefits three good causes — it's the fifth annual Clifton Caboose Twilight 5K and 1-Mile Fun Run/Walk. And it will be held, rain or shine, Saturday, June 8.
The 1-Mile is at 6 p.m. and the 5K is at 6:20 p.m., and co-chairmen Bill Hummel and Dan Kelliher are expecting a good turnout and a good time. Last year's event drew 700 participants and raised nearly $15,000, and Hummel anticipates 500 for the 5K and 200-300 for the 1-mile.
"It gets lots of people running who don't normally run, and the party afterward is fun for families," said Hummel. "We have lots of volunteers and interest in the race, and I think we'll have good weather."
The course starts and ends on Newman Road, which proved popular with last year's participants. "It's very pretty along Newman," said Hummel. "And it's a nice, flat course, so everyone enjoys running there."
Proceeds go to Hemlock Overlook Park's Send-a-Kid-to-Camp program; the Clifton Betterment Association (CBA), dedicated to Clifton's preservation; and Rainbow House, a Haitian orphanage for children with AIDS.
The 15-person Twilight Run committee started working in February and, on race day, another 40 volunteers — including local Boy and Girl Scouts — will join in. "Everybody's donating a lot of their time," said Hummel. "And the funds we raise really make a difference to these organizations."
He was pleased with the generosity of all the sponsors — especially the main one, Pohanka Chevrolet of Chantilly, which contributed $1,000. Tax-deductible donations, payable to the CBA Town Improvement Fund, may be sent to: The Clifton Twilight Run, c/o Josie McCarty, 12425 Chapel Road, Clifton, VA. 20124.
On June 8, Newman Road will close to traffic from 5:45-7 p.m. Parking is at the flood plain, Clifton Elementary, the Clifton House shops on Chapel Road and King's Field at the end of Chapel Street. Baby strollers are welcome, but not dogs, Roller Blades or bicycles. And both walkers and runners may participate in the 5K.
Afterward, The Clifton Store will offer 2-foot Popsicles for children, the Heart in Hand restaurant will have fruit available and Great Harvest Bread Co. will bring bread and cookies. Adult race participants will be treated to free beer.
A local band will play rock music at the gazebo in the town park, and the Chiropractic Family Health Center will provide free, chiropractic assessments.
Awards will be presented to the first-, second- and third-place overall 5K male and female race winners and to the top two males and females in various age categories. And since cabooses are special to the Town of Clifton, there's also a special award for the person coming in last, just like a train caboose.
In addition, awards will be given for the 1-Mile Fun Walk/Run and to the first- and second-place 5K male and female CBA members, over and under age 30. Prizes include Clifton Centennial T-shirts, mugs and posters designed by Clifton artist Lynne Garvey Hodge.
Entry fees are $20/5K; $12/1-Mile. On-line registration may be done at For more information, see the Web Site, or call the events hotline, 703-968-0740. Packet pick-up is Friday, June 7, from 5-7 p.m., at the Old Town Hall at 12640 Chapel Road, and on race day from 4:15-5:30 p.m. at the Clifton Town Meeting Hall at 12641 Chapel Road.