Name, address: Terry McConnell, Russell Road in Alexandria.
Family information (Date of birth, marital status, number of children): March 5, 1947; married with four children.
How would you describe yourself (Personality, thoughts, etc.)? I'm a person who likes to initiate projects with other educators in the school library environment. I like to do projects where research, reading and script writing are involved. I'm a great believer in using media to communicate. My favorite medium is TV, especially the school TV news show. I like to use a lot of computer graphics and digital editing effects in our school news shows. Doing media projects with students is one great way to foster student learning and creativity.
Education (List degrees held, dates received, etc.): B.A. in history from DePauw University in 1969; M.E. in social studies education from Temple University in 1972; and M.E. in educational media from Temple University in 1973.
Current job or primary occupation: Head librarian, Mount Vernon High School.
Favorite part of your current job: Working with students on instructional projects.
Key ties to your community, community involvement: Working with the Mount Vernon High School PTSA.
One thing about your community that you enjoy that you don't think most people know about; or something important for a newcomer to know: Mount Vernon High School is a wonderful school, where a ton of learning takes place. No school has more diversity or a more dedicated staff.
List a few of your favorite places in your community; consider restaurants, parks, public places, stores, roads, a place to see the sunset: Favorite restaurant, Po Siam for Thai food on Mount Vernon Avenue in Alexandria City; favorite place to vacation, Kennebunkport, Maine; and favorite parks, Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, Comerica Park and Camden Yards.
If you were king of your community, everyone would …: Everyone would read many books and spend time talking about what they've read to others.
One thing you would change about your community: More emphasis on educating all citizens.
What book do you recommend? Book, "Blind Assassin." Favorite authors, Margaret Atwood, Alice Hoffman and Bernard Malamud.
What is the last movie you saw or enjoyed? Woody Allen's "Hollywood Ending."
What is your favorite TV show? Star Trek Next Generation.
List your hobbies: Softball, working out at the YMCA, reading and writing.
Where was your last or favorite vacation? Kennebunkport, Maine.
Describe how you would most like to spend one day? Good conversation, exercise, read, see interesting vacation spot and a good meal.
What is your favorite quotation? Same as Al Gore, from a Bob Dylan song, "He who is not busy being born is busy dying."
If you could be anyone else, who would you be? Myself, but an improved version.
If you could meet anyone else (any time in history), who would it be? Caesar Chavez.