Deb Cobb is a freelance photographer specializing in editorial photography, capturing ephemeral moments and telling stories with images. Her favorite subjects to photograph are usually the subjects currently in front of her lens. With an advanced degree in International Relations and a career as a Defense Analyst, photography was a private passion until the 2010 Snomwageddon storms brought her work to the attention of the editors at the Connection. Since then her work has been regularly featured in print and on the website. She can be reached at
Recent Stories

Pioneering Change For Autism
University of Virginia seminar studies tension between “The Science & Lived Experience of Autism.”
Despite a recent surge in attention and research over the past decade about autism, controversy exists.

Chantilly: That ‘It’ Moment
Mighty Marching Chargers compete at regional competition.
The 170-student strong Mighty Marching Chargers, Chantilly High School’s marching band, competed in the Bands of America Regional Championship at the University of Delaware in Newark, Del. on Saturday, Oct. 15. Twenty-seven marching bands from nine states participated in the competition. The Mighty Marching Chargers placed fourth in their class and tenth in the finals round. They earned the highest score the band has ever earned in 15 years of competing in Band of America events.

Cabin John Kids Run
The Cabin John Kids Run was held Sunday, Sept. 28 at Cabin John Regional Park in Potomac.

Hollywood Comes to Fairfax
How to use Hollywood-style portrait techniques to photograph adoptable animals.
Animals at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter were given the celebrity treatment on Feb. 23 when a team from the non-profit Shelter Art Foundation taught shelter staff and volunteers how to use Hollywood-style portrait techniques to photograph their adoptable animals.

‘Old Fashioned Holiday’ at Frying Pan
Brisk weather was not a deterrent to the hundreds who came out to celebrate the ‘Old Fashioned Holiday on the Farm’ at Frying Pan Farm Park on Dec. 7. Hundreds enjoyed the holiday music, pictures with Santa, close-up meetings with farm animals, roasted marshmallows, crafts, food, hayrides and pony rides.

Clinton, McAuliffe Come to Herndon
Former President Bill Clinton and gubernatorial hopeful Terry McAuliffe came to Herndon Middle School for an Oct. 28 election event. Clinton is spending several days in Virginia campaigning with McAuliffe.

Family Celebrates 50th Foster Puppy
What does the Fairfax County Animal Shelter do when it takes in an extremely young animal, one too young to adopt out? It finds a foster family willing to take on the responsibility of nurturing the sometimes days-old animal until it is old enough to be adopted permanently.
Record Crowds, Record Fundraising in Dulles Day Plane Pull
More than $226,000 raised for Special Olympics Virginia.
A record-breaking crowd—more than 16,000—turned out for the Sept. 14 Dulles Day Festival and Plane Pull at Dulles International Airport. In its 21st year, the event is a fundraiser for Special Olympics Virginia, pitting teams of 25 against one another to see who can pull an 82-ton, 164,000-pound airplane the fastest. Seventy teams registered to participate in the event, raising over $226,000—a record amount for the event. A new addition to the festivities this year was an early morning 5K on the Dulles runway, in which 2,000 runners participated. A highlight of the afternoon was the arrival of an FA2 fighter attack sea harrier jet, which demonstrated its vertical take off and landing capabilities to a rapt crowd.

One Dead Dog is One Too Many
In an effort to deal with an outbreak of a yet-unidentified upper respiratory infection that has resulted in the death of one dog and sickened a dozen more, the Fairfax County Animal Shelter has temporarily suspended the intake of owner-surrendered dogs as of Friday, July 27 until the shelter can be decontaminated and sanitized. Owners wanting to surrender dogs are being sent to other shelters.

Robinson Graduates Offered ‘Tips for Success’
Robinson High School seniors received their diplomas at the 2013 Commencement Ceremony held at the Patriot Center. Not only notable for its size, the graduates received over $4 million in scholarship money for their continuing education.