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Herrity Joins 2025 Race for Lt. Governor

Pat Herrity, the current Fairfax County Board Supervisor for the Springfield District and lone Republican on the board, posted a video on social media on Jan. 4 announcing his candidacy for Virginia lieutenant governor.

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When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

When Snow and Ice Come, Be Salt Smart

Rachel McQuillen Joins Fairfax City Council

Rachel McQuillen is moving from the Fairfax City School Board to a seat on the Fairfax City Council.

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Democrats Sweep Local Elections

Gaskins secures historic mayoral bid; City Council remains 100% Democratic


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Election Day 2024, in Fairfax County

Early voting impacts turnout.


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Area Voters Weigh In on Election Day

Area Voters Weigh In on Election Day

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Supreme Court OKs Virginia Voter Purge

Wednesday morning Oct. 30, the U.S. Supreme Court overruled lower court rulings; the Supreme Court action allows Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) to move forward with a voter purge that will impact Election Day Nov. 5.

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Democracy in Action Across the Area

Political activists make last push for candidates

Political activists make last push for candidates

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‘We Need to Dramatically Increase Our Commercial Tax Base’

Fairfax City Mayor Catherine Read makes her case for reelection.

Fairfax City Mayor Catherine Read makes her case for reelection.

Confusing FCDC Sample Ballot

Letters to the Editor

Some might be confused or fooled by the names that will appear on the Fairfax County Democratic Committee (FCDC) sample ballot that will be distributed at the polls on Election Day.

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Judge Declares EHO Policy Void on Four Counts

Startling decision seen as step to reset drastic housing policy changes.

Arlington County Courtroom 11A was packed as Circuit Court Judge David Schell issued his judgment in the case Marcia Nordgren et al vs Arlington County Board. It was, as one observer said afterwards, truly a David and Goliath story. It was also an issue on which candidates for the Arlington County Board had sparred.

Fairfax City Candidates Address Residents

Two are running for Mayor and 11 for City Council.


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Town of Herndon Mayoral Candidate Forum

Dhakal and LeBlanc take on the challenge.

Town of Herndon Mayoral Candidate Forum

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Every Year Is Election Year in Virginia

Early voting starts Friday, Sept. 20; Election Day is Nov. 5

This is a big year. Presidential elections historically draw the largest turnout. There are also important local issues and races on the ballot, including ballot questions. We’ll let you know here what’s on the ballot.
