Ongoing Alive Volunteer Opportunities

Ongoing Alive Volunteer Opportunities

Fresh Produce Gleaning- Tuesday Mornings
Join the Friends of Urban Agriculture/Plot Against Hunger Glean Team. Help harvest fresh produce for our neighbors. The Glean Team harvested over 22 tons of vegetables in 2023 to share with DC metro area feeding programs.

Who: Individuals who love to be outdoors, are in good health, able to lift 15 lbs, work outdoors in heat and cold. Minors (12-17) are welcome when accompanied by parents or guardians. Groups are especially welcome when we are offered large fields of sweet corn, zucchini, squash and potatoes to harvest.

Where: Local farms inside the DC Beltway, within 40 minutes of Arlington/Alexandria.

When: Tuesday, July 30.
Meet at 7:15am and start harvesting at 7:30am. We glean on Tuesday mornings (and Thursdays reserved as rain days and bumper crop harvests) through the summer until the end of October.

Questions and RSVP: Please direct inquiries to Puwen Lee,

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