Frank Fannon, kneeling center, poses for a photo with volunteers and supporters of the 15th annual Alexandrians Have Heart food and clothing drive Feb. 11 at the South Henry Street Coal Yard.
The event was started by former City Councilman Frank Fannon.
“I am a lifelong Alexandrian and have always been concerned about our community,” Fannon said. “I love this community and want to help Alexandrians in need.”
Members of Cub Scout Pack 614 from James K. Polk Elementary School, including Fannon’s son Jackson, were on hand to help with the donation drive.
“A lot of community minded Alexandrians showed up today to enjoy coffee and donuts and camaraderie and to donate old clothes or perishable food items,” Fannon said. “Everything gets donated to the ALIVE! food bank, Carpenter’s Shelter and Christ House. It’s a great community event.”
Connie Cantrell of the Commonwealth Republican Women’s Club and CRWC members were donors to the event.
“Frank is a hero,” Cantrell said. “We are here to support this wonderful cause and to support him.”
Added Fannon, “While many Alexandrians have a lot, many do not. Through this event I want to support everyone who needs help.”