Plein air painter Vicky Zhou adds the final brush strokes to her watercolor just before sunset, the Golden Hour, when objects glow and shadows are more interesting. Zhou of Oakton later won 2nd Place & People’s Choice for her painting, “Shady Spot.” Photo by Mercia Hobson.
The Arts of Great Falls hosted its 8th Annual Paint Great Falls September 7–11. Artists painted on location throughout the community and at the two-hour Quick Paint competition held Friday on the Village Green. Works had to be completed outdoors and without the assistance of photography.
The awards reception was held at The Gallery on Sunday, with Celebrate Great Falls sponsoring the cash prizes. First Place went to Rajendra KC of Falls Church. Pattee Hipschen, of Arlington, won First Place in the Quick Paint competition.
The exhibit and sale can be viewed at The Arts of Great Falls Gallery, 756 Walker Road, through October 1, Wednesdays, 12–4 p.m., and Saturdays, 10 a.m.–2 p.m.