Letter: Considering Costs in Centreville

Letter: Considering Costs in Centreville

To the editor:

I am writing in response to "The Combination of Programs Will Be Great for Everybody," published in your newspaper on March 10, 2022. It is mentioned that Sherwood Community Center and Joseph Willard Health Center will become one location for the services provided previously in the separate centers. A list of additional benefits due to the combination of these centers mentions fitness rooms, a childcare center, and programs for senior citizens. It concerns me that these facilities and services may not benefit all citizens as the title claims. Many individuals’ choices are constrained when making the decision to visit similar centers because the services offered may be out of their budget. To increase accessibility to these centers, which is a main goal of the combined campus, it is vital to consider the distribution of wealth among the target audience in which the center applies to. From the services listed, it can be assumed that the intended audience includes working parents and senior citizens, who may be faced with income insecurity. For the community and health center to function as intended it is critical that financial assistance is provided or that costs are limited for those utilizing the programs.

Jenna Bisson