Orange Hunt E.S. winner Manaf Rahman with his teacher Ms. Simonsen and Orange Hunt principal Ms. Tuttle.
Cadet Sonya Erickson of Lake Braddock Secondary School received the DAR Bronze JROTC Medal. Cadet Erickson has shown exceptional leadership skills and has served in numerous JROTC positions while maintaining an excellent academic record.
The DAR Youth Citizenship Award is presented to a 6th grade student who fulfills the qualities of honor, service, courage, leadership and patriotism.
Cardinal Forest E.S. Edith Freeman
Cherry Run E.S. Charlotte Reynado
Hunt Valley E.S Alexandra Kocsis
Keene Mill E.S. Elliana Waller
Kings Glen E.S. Joseph Mrazik
Orange Hunt E.S. Manaf Rahman
Rolling Valley E.S. Charly Barber
Sangster E.S. Carter Smith
West Springfield E.S. Carina Rose Branch
White Oaks E.S. Victoria Lee