Barking, paddling, and running, dogs of all sizes and breeds took over The Water Mine Family Swimmin’ Hole in Reston on Sunday, Sept. 12. The season-ending event dubbed “Dog Daze” attracted owners and their dogs to the outdoor public pool near the end of the summer operating season, after public use but before the winterization cleaning process.
Fairfax County Park Authority presented the canine dip in partnership with Hunter Mill Supervisor Walter Alcorn (D) and the Fairfax County Park Foundation, with support from Weber’s Pet Store and Aquatic Paws. With an entry fee of $10 per dog, the event proved a canine water pandemonium of fun that also benefited the parks through the Fairfax County Park Foundation.
Maryanne and Rob Wilson of Burke brought their two-year-old dog, Ellie. “It was awesome in 2019 when Ellie was a puppy,” said Maryanne. “She’s obsessed with water and frisbees; can’t get enough,” said Rob.
Supervisor Walter Alcorn (D- Hunter Mill District) brought a dog the family fostered a while ago.