The Rotary Club of Alexandria is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the 2021 Grant Program. The Rotary Club of Alexandria Grant Program provides financial support to nonprofit organizations that advance literacy for children and adults and/or improve the lives of children, youth, seniors, and others with special needs within the city limits of Alexandria.
The Rotary Club of Alexandria is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for the 2021 Grant Program.
The Rotary Club of Alexandria Grant Program provides financial support to nonprofit organizations that advance literacy for children and adults and/or improve the lives of children, youth, seniors, and others with special needs within the city limits of Alexandria.
The Rotary Club of Alexandria provides funds for specific programs and activities that strengthen core programs; provide seed funding for a new programs, program elements or initiative; or support capital expenditures. Collaborative projects with other nonprofits are accepted, with a single grant made to the lead organization. Usually, grants for ordinary operating or maintenance expenses are not considered. Applicants are encourage to include how last year’s gift helped your organization deal with the effects of COVID-19 and how it has helped shape this year’s request.
The grant application should specifically address the need being met and identify the impact of the program or initiative for which funding is being sought. Please make sure to include the number of Alexandria City residents served (especially important if program serves multiple jurisdictions), as well as recent demographics, including, if possible, the percentage of low or moderate-income individuals served through the funded program.
Grant amounts typically range from $500 to $5000 with the average of $2,050 per recipient. Given the number of worthy grant applications, awards are seldom able to be made at the higher levels.
More specific eligibility criteria are in the Grant Application form. The Rotary Club of Alexandria reserves the right to periodically change these eligibility criteria and/or incorporate additional criteria.
Applications should be filed no later than March 5, 2021, and grant decisions will be announced on or about May 1, 2021.
Awardees will be invited to attend the Contributions Day Luncheon, to be held on Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at 12 Noon at Belle Haven Country Club (or if necessary due to COVID-restrictions, remotely via Zoom). For further information, please contact the Contributions Committee at
CONTACT: John Moorman, President of Rotary Club of Alexandria, at