Covid-19 Cases in Montgomery and Fairfax Counties. Source: Virginia Department of Health
Monday, June 1
Fairfax County Cases: 11,219
Virginia Cases: 45,398
United States Cases: 1,761,503
Fairfax County Deaths: 387
Virginia Deaths: 1,392
United States Deaths: 103,700
LIBRARY, TO GO: Fairfax County Library will operate a Curbside Pickup service at all branches. And library staff is still providing many programs, events and services you can participate in from the comfort of your own home. See
FIRE AND RESCUE: 23 members of the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department have tested positive for Covid-19, and 17 have recovered. Six are currently positive, and four are currently in quarantine. All personnel are closely monitored by a nurse at Fairfax County’s Occupational Health Center.
Sunday, May 31
Fairfax County Cases: 11,110
Virginia Cases: 44,607
United States Cases: 1,737,950
Fairfax County Deaths: 383
Virginia Deaths: 1,375
United States Deaths: 102,785
Saturday, May 30
Fairfax County Cases: 10,906
Virginia Cases: 43,611
United States Cases: 1,719,827
Fairfax County Deaths: 383
Virginia Deaths: 1,370
United States Deaths: 101,711
UP TO DATE: For up to date reports on reopenings, see:
ZIP CODE ACCURACY: Virginia Department of Health (VDH) began reporting COVID-19 data on testing encounters by health districts using more accurate ZIP Code information. The new data will impact 37,362 test results that were previously not assigned a health district designation because incomplete patient address information was reported to VDH.
Beginning May 30, VDH will report test encounter data using a tiered approach. If a test record is missing a patient address ZIP Code, the ordering provider’s ZIP Code will be used. If neither ZIP Code for the patient or ordering provider is available, the testing laboratory’s ZIP Code will be used.
By using the new data reporting method, testing encounter numbers will increase the health district figures as follows: Alexandria by 699; Arlington by 187; Fairfax by 3,072.
Friday, May 29
Fairfax County Cases: 10,738
Virginia Cases: 42,533
United States Cases: 1,698,523
Fairfax County Deaths: 378
Virginia Deaths: 1,358
United States Deaths: 100,466
FACE MASKS: Virginians are now required to wear face coverings in public indoor settings as businesses slowly resume operation. Face coverings are in addition to public health guidelines to maintain six feet of physical distancing, to increase cleaning and sanitation, and to wash hands regularly.
“Science shows that face coverings are an effective way to prevent transmission of the virus, but wearing them is also a sign of respect. This is about doing the right thing to protect the people around us and keep everyone safe,” said Gov. Ralph Northam.
A face covering includes anything that covers your nose and mouth, such as a mask, scarf, or bandana. Under the Governor’s executive order, any person age ten and older must wear a mask or face covering at all times while entering, exiting, traveling through, and spending time in the following public settings: personal care and grooming businesses; essential and non-essential brick and mortar retail including grocery stores and pharmacies; food and beverage establishments; entertainment or public amusement establishments when permitted to open; train stations, bus stations, and on intrastate public transportation, including in waiting areas; state and local government buildings and areas where the public accesses services; any indoor space shared by groups of people who may congregate within six feet of one another or who are in close proximity to each other for more than ten minutes.
Exemptions to these guidelines include while eating or drinking; exercising; children younger than 10; when communicating with a hearing-impaired person when lips need to be visible; and anyone with a health condition that keeps them from wearing a face covering. Children over the age of two are strongly encouraged to wear a face covering to the extent possible.
RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS: Under Virginia’s Phase One guidelines, churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples may hold services in their houses of worship at 50% of their normal capacity. With the exception of families, congregants must sit six feet apart. Items should not be passed around during a religious service. Social gatherings remain limited to no more than 10 people. Additional guidelines for houses of worship at
RESTAURANTS, breweries, distilleries, and wineries may serve dine-in customers at tables outside, at 50 percent of their normal indoor capacity. Tables must be spaced six feet apart and no more than 10 people may sit at a table. A restaurant’s indoor bar area must remain closed. Disposable menus are required and servers must wear cloth face coverings.
GYMS, POOLS, recreation centers, sports centers, may open for outdoor activities only. Customers, trainers, and instructors must stay 10 feet apart from each other and equipment also must be spaced 10 feet apart. Exercise classes are limited to 10 people. Outdoor swimming pools may be open for lap swimming only, with one person per lane. Indoor pools, hot tubs and spas, and outdoor basketball and racquetball courts must remain closed.
PERSONAL CARE: Beauty salons, barbers, spas, massage centers, tanning salons, and tattoo shops are limited to 50% of their normal capacity and customers must make appointments to come in. Customers and employees are required to wear face coverings. These businesses must keep a record of all clients served, including name, contact information, and date and time of service.
RETAIL: Other retail businesses may reopen at 50% capacity and employees must wear face coverings. Essential businesses, such as grocery stores, should follow the state’s guidance for all businesses.
850 SPORTS FIELDS: The Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA), Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS), and the Department of Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) are reopening use of outdoor athletic fields in Fairfax County for unpermitted use as part of Forward Virginia Phase 1 for Northern Virginia. This includes over 850 athletic fields, including synthetic turf fields, at Fairfax County parks and public schools. Additionally, FCPS reports that Phase 1 will allow school outdoor basketball courts and parking lots to open, however school playgrounds are to remain closed. Open, walk-on use of athletic fields is allowed when the field is vacant and only during regular operating hours. All groups who use the fields must follow all state and CDC guidelines, including limiting group size to fewer than 10 individuals.
PARK OPENINGS: George Washington Memorial Parkway will reopen parking lots and restrooms that were closed. This includes parking areas at Theodore Roosevelt Island, Gravelly Point (no parking allowed on overflow grass area), Fort Hunt Park, Jones Point Park, Collingwood Picnic Area, Riverside Park, Belle Haven Park, and Fort Marcy. Parking areas at Great Falls Park have already reopened. Updates on park operations will continue to be posted on
VIRGINIANS GRADUATE TOGETHER: Gov. Ralph Northam hosted a statewide virtual celebration on Friday, May 29. “Virginia Graduates Together” celebrated 2020 graduates with a special address from the Governor and First Lady, musical performances, a keynote speech from United States Women’s National Soccer champion Angela Hucles Mangano, and well-wishes from notable Virginians.
IMMUNIZATIONS DECLINE: Senators Mark R. Warner and Tim Kaine joined Senator Maggie Hassan and 14 of their colleagues in calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to address the declining rate of routine child immunizations for measles and other dangerous viruses amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thursday, May 28
Fairfax County Cases: 10,503
Virginia Cases: 41,401
United States Cases: 1,678,843
Fairfax County Deaths: 371
Virginia Deaths: 1,338
United States Deaths: 99,031
OUTDOOR SPACE: The Board of Supervisors adopted an emergency ordinance that would temporarily permit the expanded use of outdoor space for outdoor dining, fitness, and exercise activities when the County moves into Phase One of the Forward Virginia reopening plan.
TIM KAINE POSITIVE: U.S. Senator Tim Kaine and his wife, Anne Holton, tested positive for antibodies to coronavirus.
“I tested positive for the flu earlier this year and was given standard medication to treat it. The symptoms lingered and I continued to receive treatment from my physician for the flu through mid-March. At the end of March, I experienced new symptoms that I initially thought were flu remnants and a reaction to an unusually high spring pollen count. Then Anne experienced a short bout of fever and chills, followed by congestion and eventually a cough.
“After Anne got sick, we each talked to our health providers in early April and they thought it possible that we had mild cases of coronavirus. We were both at home in Richmond, working remotely and isolated from others. Due to the national testing shortage, we were not tested for the virus, but continued isolating and watched for any worsening of symptoms. By mid-April we were symptom-free.
“We each tested positive for coronavirus antibodies this month. While those antibodies could make us less likely to be re-infected or infect others, there is still too much uncertainty over what protection antibodies may actually provide. So we will keep following CDC guidelines—hand-washing, mask wearing, social distancing. We encourage others to do so as well. It shows those around you that you care about them.”
PROTECT FAUCI: Gerry Connolly (D-Va.), Reps. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) and Stephen F. Lynch (D-Mass.) introduced legislation Wednesday to protect Dr. Anthony Fauci and other directors of National Research Institutes and Centers from being fired for politically-motivated reasons.
“Absent adequate leadership from the White House during this pandemic, the American people have relied on the expertise of officials like Dr. Fauci for guidance and accurate information. We cannot allow these officials to fall victim to President Trump’s war on civil servants. Preserving their independence from political interference is paramount to our efforts to defeat this virus,” said Connolly.
First appointed to his position in 1984, Dr. Fauci has led NIAID, which is part of the NIH, under six U.S. presidents, beginning with Ronald Reagan. President George W. Bush awarded Dr. Fauci the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Wednesday, May 27
Fairfax County Cases: 10,069
Virginia Cases: 40,249
United States Cases: 1,662,414
Fairfax County Deaths: 364
Virginia Deaths: 1,281
United States Deaths: 98,261
Mark R. Warner (D-VA) joined Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and six senators to request additional information on the Borrower Protection Program that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) announced in April. The agencies’ announcement stated that the CFPB and FHFA would share data under the program but did not say how that data would be used to protect borrowers. The Senators asked the agencies what information they would share and how each agency would use this new program to avoid unnecessary borrower defaults and foreclosures, as well as misinformation, unequal treatment of borrowers, or otherwise address servicers not complying with the law.
Tuesday, May 26
Fairfax County Cases: 9,839
Virginia Cases: 39,342
United States Cases: 1,637,456
Fairfax County Deaths: 340
Virginia Deaths: 1,236
United States Deaths: 97,669
JOINING STATE: Northern Virginia will be joining the rest of the state in the first phase of reopening on Friday, May 29. “My regional colleagues and I sent a second letter to [Northam] over the weekend with the metrics and data from our Northern Virginia Health Directors. The data shows that our region meets four of the significant criteria set by Governor Northam to reopen safely,” said Jeff Mckay, Chairman of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors.
The criteria met are: downward trend of positive tests for over 14 days; downward trend of hospitalizations for over 14 days; increased capacity for testing; sufficient hospital beds and ICU capacity
“One of the two areas we don’t meet is contact tracing, but we are finalizing a contract this week to provide recruitment and staffing for the hundreds of contact tracers and investigators that we will need to increase our capacity. The goal is to have the team ready in June. The other area we don't meet is a sustainable supply of PPE. Although we have sufficient supply for hospitals, we are still working to increase in other areas and hope the Governor will be able to help us do that. Our procurement team continues to work creatively and to monitor the supply chain to ensure we can make the needed purchases,” said McKay.
FIRE AND RESCUE: Fourteen Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department personnel have fully recovered from Covid-19, and 21 have tested positive. On May 26, the department reported that six are currently in quarantine. All personnel are closely monitored by a nurse at Fairfax County’s Occupational Health Center. The fire department reports the impact of coronavirus on personnel each week.
SAFETY STANDARDS: Gov. Ralph Northam directed the Department of Labor and Industry to develop emergency temporary standards to prevent workplace exposure to COVID-19. These occupational safety standards will require the approval by vote of the Virginia Safety and Health Codes Board and must address personal protective equipment, sanitation, record-keeping of incidents, and hazard communication. Upon approval, the Department of Labor and Industry will be able to enforce the standards through civil penalties and business closures.