Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Citizen’s Guide to Better Times

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Citizen’s Guide to Better Times

Things each of us can do to help our country right now.

Don’t sit at home with your worry beads as you consume the news. Action is what is needed. And yes, Virginia, each of us has the power to contribute to a better future. Want to be counted in bringing better times forward? Try this simple test to evaluate how you are or will be making a difference.

50+ points – At least you’re in the game. Can you find some stretch goals?

70+ points – Involved citizen.

90+ points –You rank as an active leader. Congratulations!

Wear a mask (20 points)

Socially distance (10 points)

Follow informed news sources, both sides! (20 points)

Register your support/use of Post Office and mail-in voting (10) ($, letters to Congress, newspaper, SM)

Register your support for adequate number of voting stations (10) (ditto)

Sign up as a census taker (5)

Sign up to work at voting stations (5)

Vote! (20 points)

Eileen Curtis

Great Falls