Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Upset About Biased Letter

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Upset About Biased Letter

I am writing to express how upset and biased that I feel Great Falls Connection became by printing a partisan piece for Greg Brandon (“Voices of Partisanship,” Great Falls Connection, Oct. 2-8, 2019) without first and foremost stating that he was the former Chair of the Dranesville District and a former Democrat endorsed candidate in 2011. His opinion letter attacked a group of concerned parents and residents in this county and while some may not agree with those concerns name calling, besmirching reputations and following Democratic playbook. Mr. Brandon was also actively involved supporting the Democratic candidates at this event. He interrupted the event to complain to the GFCA that his preferred candidates were not being given appropriate air time. He is not just a concerned dad. He is a politician and you did not alert your readers to this important fact.

As a founding member of Voices of Fairfax I request that you give us the same opportunities afforded to Mr. Brandon. I would like to meet with the editors of The Connection so that we can tell why we are concerned and have a fact based conversation instead of the party politics talking points. The current school board has not been transparent in the rewriting of policy 8130 and would like to discuss the schedule and importance of this policy for the future of Fairfax County Schools.

This “equity lens” is part of a national wave that is not working out well where implemented.

Laura Timmins

Great Falls