Week in Vienna: Vienna Presbyterian Church Launches ‘Belong!’

Week in Vienna: Vienna Presbyterian Church Launches ‘Belong!’

Vienna Presbyterian Church will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 5 to celebrate the launch of “Belong!” – a new nonprofit dedicated to helping underserved populations of Vienna. Designed to promote spiritual, physical, and economic well-being, efforts will initially be focused on the Vienna Park/Cunningham Park neighborhoods. Partnerships will be a key aspect of Belong!’s success, including relationships with Cunningham Park Elementary School and other area churches, families, and nonprofits.

In attendance at the event will be Vienna Mayor, Laurie DiRocco, along with other elected officials, clergy, and business leaders.

Belong! has hired an executive director, Letycia Pastrana, who brings a wealth of experience in coalition-building, organizing, and nonprofit management.

Belong! is an independent 501(c)3, and will be operating as a separate entity from Vienna Presbyterian Church.